stock buy

in #money5 years ago

Stock buy is a very common word . We all know that,the stock is the capital raised by a company or corporation through the issue and subscription of shares.At present time almost every company sell their shares through stock market. People of different ages and professions buy their share and get revenue or interest at the end of the season .There are two main ways to purchase stock: 1.Using brokerage is the most easiest and effective way of buying stocks.There are two types of brokerage ,one is much more experience and full time workers,helps you with his valuable advises but charges a lot also.Other is much cheaper but has less experience and efficiency also.At present it is quite easy to find a broker and invest in stock market through internet or online marketing system.2.The second way of buying stock is dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs) and direct investment plans (DIPs) are plans by which individual companies, for a minimal cost, allow shareholders to purchase stock directly from the company.Drips are a great way to invest small amounts of money at regular intervals,as there is less fear of loss or bankrupt.With stocks, though,One important things to be remembered that, there are some key mistakes need to be avoided.They are, Overpriced goods, Hunches and headlines, Pump-and-dump scams ,Love-struck stocks, Climbing on bandwagons.And the last thing,never be greedy ,it will destroy you. cairo, Egypt

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