MobileBridge ICO Review — Marketing automation using blockchain

in #momentum7 years ago (edited)

Modern customers are web-oriented, mobile-loving people who spend more time online either at home or when travelling than reading magazines and watching TV. Catch a train in central London and you will see this phenomenon everywhere. Gone are the traditional days where you pick up a newspaper, cross your legs and read. Although there are some consumers still following such behavior, it’s quickly becoming a rarity. These changes in behavior are changing the face of marketing — and in ways that are bringing about the convergence of direct and mass marketing.
Furthermore, automated marketing is a platform where new and existing firms are seeking to reduce costs and attract new consumers. The number one concern firms generally have in regard to automated marketing is that it will lack a human touch. Fortunately, these systems are sophisticated enough that leads will never have the impression that they’re talking to a robot. A combination of blockchain technology and automated marketing is something which may have never been thought of few years back, but here we are — a new platform is aiming to do just that.

MobileBridge is the first blockchain based marketing automation platform that rewards customers directly for their attention, advocacy, business, and insights that they give to the brands in the form of cryptocurrency.
The current marketing techniques are disliked by many and the email marketing techniques are usually considered spams. The rewards system lack the sense of ownership it is supposed to give the member.
Mobilebridge aims to address these problems with its new revolutionary idea and its own cryptocurrency token called the Momentum.

Today’s problems
The marketing techniques used today are outdated and are disliked by almost everybody. They are often badly timed and are usually considered as spam. The current loyalty programs fail because the consumers to have a sense of attachment to them. The current points-based loyalty programs offered by most companies are obsolete and there is space for a new loyalty program.

This is where the Momentum platform can play a role, they allow companies to create new or convert the existing points-based loyalty program to blockchain based cryptocurrency program.
By using the Momentum Token or launching their own branded crypto tokens on the Momentum Platform, companies can not only reward their customers in exchange for their purchases and loyalty, but also reward attention, brand advocacy and data insights, while giving the consumer full control of their data.

The foundation of this platform is the Momentum token. These are common exchange tokens between all tokens that are launched and used on the MobileBridge network.
The Momentum token can be stored in a wallet and exchanged to any other cryptocurrency like bitcoin. This platform rewards the users with crypto for driving the revenue and brand awareness turning every customer into a marketing machine.
People invested in bitcoin mining in the hopes of making a profit by mining crypto. By using the platform, users will be paid for spending time on the platform and increasing its awareness.

Why MobileBridge?
MobileBridge is the only blockchain run marketing automation service. It enables companies to:
• Launch its own cryptocurrency based marketing and rewarding schemes.
• Have a better understanding of its customer’s behaviour.
• Offer attractive rewarding program to keep the customer interested in using the platform like:

  • Reward for buying
  • Reward for reviewing a product
  • Rating a company/interacting with the product or services of a company.
    • Consumers will be able to collect crypto-based rewards inside their local store, using mobile geolocation, beacon technology and augmented reality.

The momentum token powers the momentum platform:
• It is used by the companies to engage and reward customers not only for their purchases but also for their time and attention and for being brand advocates.
• Companies can pay for using the platform by using the momentum.
• This token is an ERC20 token which runs on the Ethereum blockchain and is an encrypted cryptocurrency.
The Mobilebridge are trying to tackle the outdated marketing network by using its revolutionary marketing automation on the blockchain. MobileBridge Momentum Platform and Momentum Token will significantly improve the marketing performance of the companies by helping them reach to consumers with a new type of rewards program which is fresh and has more incentives to the consumer. The company has been a success in the marketing field and is now implementing blockchain onto the platform.


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