in #mobilelegends7 years ago



In this hero tutorial we will learn how to use hero with the highest difficulty level that is Fanny. Many players who want to learn how to play Fanny but instead often become a feeder because do not know how to master this one hero, ane advice do not use this hero in classic mode let alone ranked, start from custom mode or at least versus AI. Ane himself was sorry for playing Fanny directly in the match up (classic) until finally a feeder many times until humiliated throughout the game. Especially if one throw the rope to the turret is often really rich dumb dead and make this cotton make hero again.

In MSC Fanny tournament is the most frequent hero in tires (highest tire rate 63%), because Fanny is the most powerful hero (OP) if used by pro player. From the MSC data Fanny is also the fastest clear farming hero because it can move lane in seconds, this hero is indeed the fastest hero in the affairs of pushing lane and mapping. Unfortunately this hero is often in nerf, but already difficult to master even made weaker by ML developers, but still this hero is still very strong in the hands of a reliable user. The point remains back again to who is wearing and how they use the hero.

Excess Fanny:

  • Quick farming, Fanny can move the lane in an instant, making it the fastest hero to ngutan so can very quickly collect gold and exp (fast leveling up), you could say this hero is very, very strong at the early-mid game phase.

  • The highest mobility, the 2 Fanny (Steel Cable) skill makes it the hero with the best mobility level in the game, he can attack and run whenever he likes, the hero is ideal for the turret dive and attack the marksman / mage behind tankers during war.

  • It's hard to kill, obviously because Fanny can run away in an instant and no hero can defeat her in a blurred affair, Fanny is also one of the best heroes to fight Argus, since she just runs away when Argus ulti and back again attack when the ultinya is finished.

  • Burst damage one shot, in the mid-game phase, Fanny usually is 2-3 levels higher than his opponents, so do not be surprised with his skill combo Fanny can instantly kill the hero of the opponent with one attack (combination of Tornado Strike + Ulti) ga believe? Take a look at the footage below.

  • Fun to play, ane himself likes to play hero Fanny because gameplay is very fun especially if dapet pentakill / savage with this hero.

Fanny Shortcomings:

  • Very difficult to play / mastered, for the newbie hero player is quite difficult to master because it is not easy to use the cable skill, plus every time the folder is updated / updated, the Fanny users have to get used to using the new folder (learning again).

  • Depending on buffs, Fanny's greatest weakness is its very limited energy, energy regeneration system is faster than it is, but energy consumption is also faster exhausted than where, even worse there are no items that can help regenerate / consume Fanny's energy, so this hero should always be prioritized to take the buff.

  • Very soft, basically all hero assassin is soft, especially Fanny, if this hero got CC stun / disable when the war team has been confirmed he will die instantly, essentially Fanny must continue to move / fly to escape enemy attack, including when attacked.

  • Weak in the late game, suggest ane finish the game as fast as possible under 15 minutes if using Fanny, because in the late game phase (> 15 minutes) the opponent hero has reached full item build and level 15, making it more difficult to kill by Fanny, while Fanny energy remains segitu-segitu aja.

*Fanny tips item build:


  • Fanny ga need to buy shoes because just use skill 2 to go anywhere quickly.

  • Fanny also does not need to buy attack speed items because it depends on the skill, especially Tornado Strike to finish off the opponent (not the assassin type of the rich daggers Karina and Natalia).

  • Build Bloodlust Axe items so that our blood increases every time the skill produces damage.

  • Magic Blade is useful to survive (survive) in the critical moment, this item provides blood reserves for a moment when HP drop below 30%, as well as items Immortality.

  • Sometimes there is also a player that builds with Blade Armor so that physical defense is higher (semi tank) and can give a little damage when attacked by basic attack (let ga just sansak boxing if stun).

The most suitable Battle spell for Fanny is Retribution.
fanny battle spell retributionThe aim is to get faster and more importantly make sure we always get boost when playing with strangers (use retribution for last hit monster buff).

For emblems we can use Physical or Physical Assassin emblems.

Fanny is very strong against all hero marksman and mage because it can be so easy to get closer (engage) using the cable, including when the war team, Fanny is very good to fight the following heroes:

  • All hero marksman.
  • Rafaela, Estes, Gord, Vexana.
  • Natalia, Bane, Argus (one of the best counter ultinya Argus).

Fanny is pretty weak against some of the following heroes:

  • Nana -> skill 2 Nana can make Fanny helpless for 3 seconds and definitely will die if hit this curse while flying in the middle of team fight / war.

  • Aurora -> Aurora freeze effect with skill 2 makes Fanny must have been frozen despite flying at high speed (as long as it is in range of aurora).

  • Eudora* -> 2 stun skill effect Eudora often makes Fanny die helpless when war / dive turret.

  • Saber -> ulti Saber will pursue wherever Fanny fly.

  • Franco -> ulti Franco can also be used when Fanny attacks (so fly past Franco directly press ulti).

  • Chou -> ulti Chou can also be used just like Franco.

  • Ruby -> skill 2 and ulti Ruby can control the movement of Fanny at the right time.
    Combination of one shot skill:

First use skill 2 to attack, then use ultimate, then skill 1, and use skill 2 back to blur.

Skill 2 -> Skill 3 -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2 (escape)

More details please see the following trailer:

Multiple cable trick:

This technique is usually used by the Fanny pro user who is already familiar with the skill of the cable and the master of the folder, Fanny can remove the cable many times with his skill 2 (until the energy runs out), usually the pro player only use up to 2 wires just to fly / attack, but top player Fanny can use up to 3-4 wires for pushing lane including attacking opponent.

Others use up to 6-8 cables but more than 4 cables are usually ineffective (only for fast switching). This trick has a high level of difficulty, so you should first master the existing map and tone your accuracy in throwing the cable.

Tips & tricks hero guide Fanny:

  • Use the minimap left help to throw the cable towards the wall in the distance (if we can not see the wall).

  • When open war, wait for the enemy heroes ngeluarin stun / disable existing.

  • When the turbine / war dive always watch the energy bar we have, whether it will be enough to attack and escape, if not enough, then wait a few moments (full Fanny energy for about 10-15 seconds).

  • Before finishing ultimate, keep the enemy 2x skill 2 (remember passive skill Fanny gives the mark / prey marker on the enemy when flying, and can be stack 2x), ultimate damage will increase 20% / layer if exposed to enemy who has prey marker.

  • When the enemy is near the wall (stuck the wall), we can attack quickly with spam skill 2 continuous wall until the enemy is killed / energy runs out.

  • The best way to master Fanny is to keep practicing diligently as it takes repeated attempts to master the timing of the cord especially when attacking enemies, team war, and dive turrets.

  • Diligent-watch the video pro Fanny user on YouTube or live streaming top Fanny player.

In closing maybe this video gameplay can give a little picture how to use Fanny well and correctly. Note: ane just first play in the new folder so still kairok ngarahin cord. Regards gamers.

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