Guide , Hero Ruby mobile Legends

in #mobilelegends7 years ago

As a Fighter, Ruby has less damage than any other Fighter in Mobile Legends. But instead, Ruby has a crowd control skill that can be used to attack or defend. If you like heroes who can dominate the lane from scratch, then you will love Ruby.


  • Have a good crowd control skill
  • Simply sustain on the lane
  • Mobility is very good
  • Can be an initiator for the team


  • The output damage is small
  • Durability is quite low especially in early games.

Skill Set

Let's Dance
The normal attack Ruby has a lifesteal effect of five percent. The effect can not be added to the lifesteal effect of any Gear. But instead, when Gear has a lifesteal effect, all Ruby skills will produce 125 percent lifesteal.

This passive skill also allows Ruby to jump in the direction of the destination when activating every skill he has. When Ruby jumps he will get an increase in physical defense and magic.

Be Good!
Ruby will free the giant sickle, launching a physical assault. At the same time, the attack forms a forward attack wave. Anyone affected by this attack will experience a reduction in movement speed for two seconds.

  • Damage: 75/95/115/135/155/175 physical damage

  • Extra damage: 75/95/115/135/155/175 physical damage

  • Mana cost: 40 mana

  • Cooldown: 6 / 5.6 / 5.2 / 4.8 / 4.4 / 4 sec

Be Good! Is a skill that can be used to wave clear, attack the enemy from afar, initiation war or escape. The key to Be Good's flexibility! It comes from its synergy with Let's Dance. When activating Be Good! Ruby can jump in any direction he points so that he can jump into the middle of the enemy to initiate or away from the enemy.

Do not Run, Wolf King!
When activating this skill Ruby will rotate the scythe twice as big. Each round will result in the damage of physical attack, while the enemy is affected by this skill will stun and sucked close to Ruby. When the enemy is in the outer circumference of the skill, he will be exposed to 30 percent additional physical damage.

  • Damage: 40/60/80/100/120/140 physical damage

  • Extra damage: 30 percent

  • Mana cost: 50/55/60/65/70/75 mana

  • Stun: 0.5 seconds

  • Cool down: 7 seconds

This skill again makes Ruby able to wave clear very quickly and is a continuation of Be Good! when Ruby initiated the initiation.

By activating Do not Run, Wolf King! Ruby will draw all the enemies that are nearby while providing stun. That way you can open up opportunities for teammates to inflict further damage or put on a skill that has a casting time like Dragon Cat Summons owned by Nana.

I'm Offended!
Ruby threw his sickle forward and pulled all the targets that were within the scope of the sickle toward him. The affected target I'm Offended! will be attracted towards Ruby, and receive damage and stun for 0.5 seconds.

  • Damage: 250/340/475 physical damage

  • Mana cost: 80/100/120 Where

  • Stun: 0.5 seconds

  • Cool down: 26/23/20 seconds

I'm Offended! allowing Ruby to isolate important targets when initiating. This skill can also be used to stop enemy heroes who want to escape from war or gank.

Ruby Battle Spell

1. Flicker
Just like other hero initiators, Ruby can use Flicker to get in and out more easily in a war. With the addition of Flicker, Ruby has a backup escape mechanism in addition to utilizing passive skills Let's Dance.

2. Petrify
If you are expert enough with Let's Dance that it does not require Flicker, you can swap the Battle Spell with Petrify which will give 115 to 325 magic attacks and freeze the target for 0.7 seconds.

3. Aegis and iron wall
If you choose to be a super thicker ansiator you can use Battle Spell Aegis that will absorb three normal attacks or Iron Wall that will absorb 25 percent of physical or magical attacks that will increase its absorption power as many enemy heroes near you

Ruby Emblem Set
Although quite tanky, it is better to use Physical Emblem Set which gives extra damage to excel at the beginning of the game and not too lagging with other Fighter.

Ruby Gear Build

Gear build Ruby on this guide is very focused on durability because he was plotted as the main initiator for the team. He will not collapse just like that when receiving a lot of damage at once.

  • Haas's Claw
    As you know, Ruby will not get a lifesteal from its normal attack. But he still needs a Gear that has a lifesteal so that the passive skills of Let's Dance remain active. Of all Gear that has a lifesteal status you end up having Haas's Claw because of the additional 70 physical attacks it has and the price is a bit cheaper than other lifesteal Gear.

  • Tough Boots
    For Gear affair with Ruby speed we match it with Tough Boots. The goal is of course to get the defense of magic attacks and the reduction of the duration of any form of debuff that concerns Ruby.

  • Demon's Advent
    920 HP, 54 armor, and 30 HP regeneration is quite standard for Gear size with the price of 2170 gold. But actually you need a passive skill Deter is embedded in this Gear. With Deter, anyone who attacks Ruby will experience a power cut of six percent for a period of two seconds.

With the Deter at least Ruby can stand longer in the midst of enemy siege. Especially when Ruby is dealing with an enemy carry that has a very large output damage like Argus.

  • Bloodthirsty King
    Bloodthristy King will provide 1550 HP and Bloodlust passive skills. This gear is a Gear that will provide as many HPs as well as the regeneration needed for an initiator. The reason Bloodlust will give regeneration 20 percent HP every time you do kill or assist.
    As a person who is in the middle of the war as well as being an opening attack, getting a kill or assist is an easy matter.

  • Oracle
    Oracle will provide the status of 850 HP, 36 magic defense, 35 HP regeneration, 10 percent cooldown reduction. In addition, Oracle will again provide HP regeneration as much as four percent.

  • Heart of Steel
    Heart of Steel will provide a critical reduction of 20 percent. In addition Heart of Steel will provide 880 HP, 30 armor and 35 HP regeneration. As the last Gear of Heart of Steel will complete the armor and HP needed for Ruby to stand longer in the midst of battle.

In early game Ruby will master the lane easily so you can freely choose any lane. Our advice, you can follow the carry or mage because you need the damage they have output and they will be helped by an initiator or disabler who will create a chance kill.
When the early game runs well, then Ruby will have the advantage of experience and gold. From there you can start moving lane to create kill opportunities. When you are depressed in the early game you have to play super defensive so as not to miss too much with the enemy.
Getting into the mid game, Ruby gets stronger in accepting the attack nested in her direction. But on the other hand the attack damage will be more left behind when compared with other fighter. So do not ever fight alone on the lane because you will not be able to kill your target and vice versa you are also vulnerable to gank.
Entering the late game, your job is still the same. You should be able to create kill opportunities for the team. But because the damage of another hero is very high then the effectiveness of Be Good skill! will decrease. But on the other side the combination of Do not Run skill, Wolf King! and I'm Offended! will be more useful.

When in the late game your team is depressed, your function as an initiator should be braking a little. Because there is no point in you initiating but your team mates do not have enough damage to win the battle. Instead you can divert your functions to isolate enemy heroes that are scattered in order to be ordained by your team.

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