Musk vs. Zuck? No thanks!

in #mmalast year

So the internet is awash with rumors that Elon Musk has challenged Mark Zuckerberg to an MMA fight and from the Tweet battle that is taking place - in a friendly way, mind you - it appears as though Zuck is down for a fight with Elon should they both actually want it.

There's a lot of people that are talking about how much they would love to see this but honestly guys, have you ever seen two people who don't really know how to fight try to do so in some sort of fanfare event?


According to various sources, one of them being Dana White of UFC, both of these guys actually do train in MMA but to what degree we can't really know since both of them kind of try to keep their lives as personal as possible. Just because you train in a martial art doesn't mean that you are prepared for an octagon cage fight though. I know a bunch of people that have trained in various martial arts in a half-assed sense that when they got into an actual fight, it was kind of embarrassing to watch. I was very dedicated to kickboxing and kung fu when I was in my late teens and early 20's. I ended up doing 3 sanctioned semi-legal fights in front of a crowd and even I will admit that the competitors, including myself, were pretty sloppy in our tactics.


I'm reminded of the Celebrity Boxing matches that have taken place over the years and just how terrible almost all of those fights were. They were difficult to watch at points because it became very clear that none of these people actually know how to fight. Hell, even when Jake Paul first started out it was hard to watch because there is a certain amount of skill that can only come from people who train full or near full-time.


Vanilla Ice vs. Willis (Todd Bridges) was even more cringe. The guys had a little bit of time to train and well, that just isn't long enough not to mention that the cardio of someone that does something else for a living, such as being a CEO of a social-media company, isn't good enough to keep up the pace of an exciting fight.

How about someone like Kimbo Slice (RIP) and how he was a street-fighting legend but got absolutely dismantled once he was presented with actual fighting against actual fighters. His cardio was garbage as well and especially towards the end of his ill-fated professional fighting career, this became extremely apparent.

So while I think the hype is fine and the memes are even better, I honestly hope that this Zuck vs. Musk fight doesn't ever happen. You might think it would be amazing to see these two slug it out but it almost certainly would be boring AF. It also wouldn't do either one of these guys any favors to be seen in public with their shirts off.

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