Why Jon Jones should get the maximum penalty for his second banned substance offense.

in #mma7 years ago


Several news outlets are reporting that Jon "Bones" Jones will most likely compete in 2018. It seems that pigs can fly and through the miracle of ignorance and naivete, Jones will compete sooner then later.

The maximum ban from competition in MMA for having banned substances in your system is 4 years. It looks like Jones has dug up enough reason and consideration, that he didn't intentionally use banned substances. The first time he got busted it was because he bought penile dysfunction pills online where the manufactures also dealt with substances that USADA has full knowingly banned. Somehow the penis pills got laced and lead to his first and initial infraction.

The second time around he got busted after a urine test found Turinabol in his system. A very old steroid that was made famous by the Russian Olympic Team decades ago. How Turinabol found its way into Jones's system is still not known, but this drug is hard to come by and it doesn't accidentally appear in your food.

I was a big fan of Jon Jones before all of this steroid use came about. So I for want to see him fight on a even playing field. But playing the naive card has got to stop. Grown men and professional athletes, especially in his situation where he got busted the first time, should be double checking his supplements. USADA has a list of safe manufactures of supplements and there should be no excuse as to buying questionable products over the internet.

Matt Brown, a UFC fighter was recently featured on the Joe Rogan Podcast and he was all in favor for a lifetime ban for first time offenders of banned substances (video below). He felt that it wasn't fair, and he himself uses only MusclePharm supplements that is approved by USADA. The information of safe / safer products is out there. Why, or even how could you mess that up after the first infraction, Jon?

Speaking of The Joe Rogan Podcast. Chael Sonnen was on the show and he was telling a story, where USADA had showed up to Jones's gym wanting to administer a urine test (video below). The gym staff played dumb while Jon Jones hid under the cage for several hours until USADA left the gym. Yes, USADA waited for Jon to appear. If that story is true, then the story of Jones, never taking steroids or banned substances is a big lie. Even the coaching staff is guilty by association.

In closing, Jon is a big partier. Snorts coke on the weekends and before a big fight. Drug users don't think on the same level as normal people. Always the victim and never wrong. When confronted about it, they lie. They never think about the consequences and do what they want without thinking twice.

You could consider this a big rant with half truths, but the telling tale and the bottom line of they type of individual Jon Jones is, happened on the night where he got into a automobile accident where he crashed into another vehicle. The driver of the other vehicle was a pregnant woman and had broken her arm. What did Jones do immediately after the incident? After tossing his Marijuana pipe that he was sucking on while driving, he ran away on foot. Fleeing from the scene of the accident. The professional athlete that we all revered and looked up to ran away from the scene of a accident, when a pregnant women that had broken her arm needed medical attention. Bravo Mr, Jones, take a bow.

That will be the real testament in your life. A pregnant women needed help and you ran because of your pipe.

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