Drivel #flushyourmeds

in #mkultralast year

More Drivel #flushyourmeds ... ;
By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;
The Truth Hurts Know More News Adam Green Charles Giuliani ;
Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce ;
You Goat People are Completely Brainwashed by Six Companies
GE, Viacom, Time Warner, CBS, NewsCORP, Disney and that is
based on your Television and your LOCAL LOLCOW AMFM RADIO ;
Your Brainwashed by Public Schools VicTor Jew Ver of History ;
When humans die they become Telepathic Ghosts, Martians
Started Religious Cults, God is Fake, The Holocaust is Hoax,
and ATENPLUSSERIESTEN 102694 09536 144151 741777 ... ;
This is the Header EOF of this Very Exact Perliminary File ;
Urine is not a waste product, it is an ultra
filtered distilled vitamin mineral probiotic
enriched formula and mirical medicine Probiotics
and fasting is the answer snake diet yogurt,
fermented foods, 1 meal a day or 1 meal on odd
or even days, and also sun gazing in daytime is
safe and makes you telepathic psychic remote
viewer mind reader, the sun is completely safe
sun screen and sun glasses are cancer causers,
microwaves kill food and then you TV is MKULTRA
mind control along with Local MSM Radio LOL KEK
also, Drink distilled ozonate Water, Copper Vessel,
supplements are Ginsing, Elithero, Diamatacious
Earth, Maca, Vitis Vinevera, cat's claw, Zinc,
Liposomal Vitamin C, Alkaline water from lemon
and lime and apple cider vinegar and baking soda
and sea salt and pink himmalayan salt and no salt
and Gurana, Ozonated Magnesium, Ozonated Water,
Cayanne Pepper, Lemongrass, Essiac, African Mango,
Coleus, Citrus Seed Extract Grapefruit/Lemon, and
60 Drops of Cortexi daily for all Targeted Individuals
who are victims of Gang Stalking by Freemasonic MKULTRA
CIA Satanic Sheriff's Departments who abuse children,
Make PTHC Child Porn and Traffick Steroids and Meth,
yes we have exposed you disgusting Freemasons also,
Silver Vessels For Colloidal Silver LOL Top KEK,
Man and Woman are the way to go put an end to Woke
Pronouns, Global Warming and Holocaust is a Hoax,
Do a Real Kundalini Awakening, 911 was done by
Mossad Zionist Jews, Hitler Fixed Germany and its
Banking Debt and warned us of Communism and Usury
in Jewish Banking during the Weimar republic of
Usurous Communism which was more worse than Hitler
and I accept David Irving and Earnst Zundel and
Reject the Holocaust Hoax and the Fake Victor Jews
Version of History, 911 was done by Mossad Jews,
Kyle Odom showed us Martains Started Religious Cults
and Corrupted the planet via Jewish Zionism and
Freemasonry of the Government Actors in Military,
also Beer went woke we only had Ranier, Coors Banquet,
and Miller Genuine Draft and High Life which is shit.
Also we got fucked over by travelocity and had to
use a Chase Debit LOL, also Had to ID and Everything
LOL, also had to get a Lenovo T560570 Running Kubuntu
KDE Linux Shitty KDE Ubuntu just to book the fucking
Hotel Room at the shitty fucking Hotel LOL WTF they
are Gang Stalking us Full Blast LOL you can see this LOLCOW
and Know More News Adam Green and Styxhexenhammer666 Tarl
Warwick and Truthhertzradio and Christendum and David
Skrbina are the Kings in News exposing what Rabbi Finkle
stein showed us as the Zionist Takeover mentioned in Talmud
Torah and Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion as well
as the Kyle Odom Manifesto, also had to fill out several
fucking affidavits and display business cards and State ID
every single fucking time plus hours and hours of Police
Intimidation where cops left me in hot/cold rooms for hours
did deisel therapy on me, left me homeless, and were about
to shoot us and lacerate our skulls with a GUN LOL WTF and
we set them off drawing schematics with colored pencils
yesno questionaire plead the fifth and say no and then
the men in white coats will leave you the fuck alone LOL
also How will you screw the days? Karly Noel Franz, SRA,
Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory, Mr. Pickles Circus, Central
Texas Snuff Film Industry Underground some files are shared
from analogue tape to Peer2Peer and the Dark Web now Modernized
to Tor and i2p as we All No on Linux and BSD LOL you Cuck, also
Hank's Meat shop is another popular Snuff Film Industry and
you have Houston Texas and Columbus Ohio and Tel Aviv Israel
and Hollywood CA as the four Zionist Jewish Mossad Israel
Shell Company Pedophile Human Trafficking areas of the world,
as all of this has been exposed and people children are raped
and drugged and molested in Freemasonic Lodges all over the
world and Ignorance is Bliss and Six Jewish Companies Control
The Press GE, Viacom, Time Warner, News Corp, CBS, Disney,
Those Six are Cancer to the Press as Zionist Jews the people
who get to have Six Travel passports and real property rights
when we cattle Goyim do not really says something I hope this
file finally trips off the CIA, Freemasons in the Sheriff's
Departments aka Gang Stalkers and NSA Signals Intelligence
and just does remote computer tampering on this file and that
would just be so funny as we all know Kyle Odom Claims Martians
have destroyed this planet and Zionist Jews The Talmud Torah
Judaism the Israeli Religion and jewish Banking Runs the
Damn show as Kyle Odom already exposed in the Kyle Odom
Manifesto PDF File and that the Martians actually use the
common wild Goyim the 144K in the CIA MKULTRA PROGRAM as
Sex Slaves and in several other Human Trafficking Networks
mentioned above look up Ted Gunderson, Cathy O'Brien, Mark
Phillips and the CIA Program Monarch and MKULTRA Read the
Books by Douglas Valentine THE CIA as Organized Crime and
better understand this Jewish Caste System and the Coercive
Persuasion Program and that Monarch MKULTRA Programming is
a common everyday thing in these Freemason Military Settings
people are so oblivious to things such as Psychiatry they do
not even know Anti Psychotics cause Hearing Loss, brain damage,
Movement Disorders, Restless Leg Syndrome or Akathisia and that
people even kill over Akathisia that is how ignorant everyone
actually us over these Big Pharma Lies about wear a mask and
get your COVID Nineteen Vaccine which we all no is an MKULTRA
CIA Program not based on Science a Zionist Jew Invention and
Alex Jones is a Fake Truther who you should ignore and istead
listen to David Duke Adam Green Brian Ruhe Adolf Hitler,
David Irving, Ernst Zundel, Alfred Schaefer, Mark Collett,
MKULTRA NOW, Martinez Perspective, Brother Nathanael, Douglas
Valentine, Andrew Norton Webber, Auto Urine Therapy these are
the real guiders and teachers to this Jewish Zionist Controlled
Jew World Order based on Cestui Que Vie, Usurous Banking, Uniform
Commercial Code and unfathomable Statutes Codes and Ordinances
that no human can perfectly abid by and you always as a Cattle
or Goyim Non Jew to the Jewish Controlled caste system can be
put in Incarceration for simply questioning the Holocaust which
we know to be one of the most irrational laws more irrational than
drug use LOL and you sheep blindly accept the Six Company Media
which I said is GE, Viacom, Time Warner, News Corp, CBS, Disney,
so anyways, Linux and BSD are What most Servers on the Internet
run as I bill my Linux Domain Dot Com WS Yearly instead of Monthly
I can have an easier time with billings LOL Top KEK and we come to
this note Anti Zionism, 5150, Israel Mossad Jews did 9-11, Inside Job,
Holocaust is a Hoax reason why is it is illegal to do so in sixteen
countries, global warming also a hoax by globalist zionist jews,
Know More News Adam Green of corse and you just become a Telepathic
Psychic Ghost when you die and religions are made by Martians,
and Cults LOL, and Anti Psychiatry is Anti Pharma and we need
to accept that, Usury is the problem plus Communism as Hitler
realized that and got Germany out of a banking Debt LOL ... ;
Also to state USBC is the Future Back up to Nine SSDS Three in
a Lock Box with Ammo Can American Locks, and always use Ballpoint
Pens and not ever Gell Roller Pens, and when I did my first astral
projection it was a white board, more like drugs was said to me,
and a blonde lady making a stick man on dry erase markers plus
room was lit by sunlight bulbs on Free Energy negative resistor,
and I have more fluff and drivel 528 is Peace 963 is God 126
is Sun 1267117 is 151 and 0.9536 is Pentagram and 741777 is the
other symbol for the Pentagram LOL aka 0.9536circlediameter And
the Jewish Victor Version History is a Lie as the Pure Blood
Kohen Jews who are part of B'nai B'rith ADL a secret society
also go to Jew only special schools and Jew only country Clubs
and Maria Farmer Whitney Webb already mentioned this, also
we have Jews Kohen Pure Bloods maintained by circumcision of
oral suction out of the penis and you goys were not orally
sucked during your circumcision so you are not pure blood
Kohen jews and Not allowed at Jew Only Privat Schools, jew
only Country Clubbs, and Jewish Six Passports to travel and the
Goyim or Non Jews do not have Property Rights, only the Jews
do as Rabbi Finklestien said to James Wickstorm on the Radio
LOL and you sheep still do not get it, your Christianty is
a tool of the Jews and Martians to decieve you when we humans
die we become Telepathic Psychic Ghosts LOL and you sheep are
actually people us 144K Star Seeds as One Man in the Truman Show
have shown that are the ARcons in the world we must ignore,
not engage with, take as much as we can, never react to,
plead the fifth to, and must say no to and ignore at all costs,
as this arconic planet controlled by Martians and Zionist jews
Completes to erode than David will be the King of the world
for this Jew World Order according to Satanic Judaism Freemasonry,
the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Talmud and Torah,
Now for this summation this will be my last line in writing
text ................................................... ;
This is the Footer EOF of this Very Exact Perliminary File ;More Drivel #flushyourmeds ... ;
By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;
The Truth Hurts Know More News Adam Green Charles Giuliani ;
Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce ;
You Goat People are Completely Brainwashed by Six Companies
GE, Viacom, Time Warner, CBS, NewsCORP, Disney and that is
based on your Television and your LOCAL LOLCOW AMFM RADIO ;
When humans die they become Telepathic Ghosts, Martians
Started Religious Cults, God is Fake, The Holocaust is Hoax,
and ATENPLUSSERIESTEN 102694 09536 144151 741777 ... ;
This is the Footer EOF of this Very Exact Perliminary File ;
Urine is not a waste product, it is an ultra
filtered distilled vitamin mineral probiotic
enriched formula and mirical medicine Probiotics
and fasting is the answer snake diet yogurt,
fermented foods, 1 meal a day or 1 meal on odd
or even days, and also sun gazing in daytime is
safe and makes you telepathic psychic remote
viewer mind reader, the sun is completely safe
sun screen and sun glasses are cancer causers,
microwaves kill food and then you TV is MKULTRA
mind control along with Local MSM Radio LOL KEK
also, Drink distilled ozonate Water, Copper Vessel,
supplements are Ginsing, Elithero, Diamatacious
Earth, Maca, Vitis Vinevera, cat's claw, Zinc,
Liposomal Vitamin C, Alkaline water from lemon
and lime and apple cider vinegar and baking soda
and sea salt and pink himmalayan salt and no salt
and Gurana, Ozonated Magnesium, Ozonated Water,
Cayanne Pepper, Lemongrass, Essiac, African Mango,
Coleus, Citrus Seed Extract Grapefruit/Lemon, and
60 Drops of Cortexi daily for all Targeted Individuals
who are victims of Gang Stalking by Freemasonic MKULTRA
CIA Satanic Sheriff's Departments who abuse children,
Make PTHC Child Porn and Traffick Steroids and Meth,
yes we have exposed you disgusting Freemasons also,
Silver Vessels For Colloidal Silver LOL Top KEK,
Man and Woman are the way to go put an end to Woke
Pronouns, Global Warming and Holocaust is a Hoax,
Do a Real Kundalini Awakening, 911 was done by
Mossad Zionist Jews, Hitler Fixed Germany and its
Banking Debt and warned us of Communism and Usury
in Jewish Banking during the Weimar republic of
Usurous Communism which was more worse than Hitler
and I accept David Irving and Earnst Zundel and
Reject the Holocaust Hoax and the Fake Victor Jews
Version of History, 911 was done by Mossad Jews,
Kyle Odom showed us Martains Started Religious Cults
and Corrupted the planet via Jewish Zionism and
Freemasonry of the Government Actors in Military,
also Beer went woke we only had Ranier, Coors Banquet,
and Miller Genuine Draft and High Life which is shit.
Also we got fucked over by travelocity and had to
use a Chase Debit LOL, also Had to ID and Everything
LOL, also had to get a Lenovo T560570 Running Kubuntu
KDE Linux Shitty KDE Ubuntu just to book the fucking
Hotel Room at the shitty fucking Hotel LOL WTF they
are Gang Stalking us Full Blast LOL you can see this LOLCOW
and Know More News Adam Green and Styxhexenhammer666 Tarl
Warwick and Truthhertzradio and Christendum and David
Skrbina are the Kings in News exposing what Rabbi Finkle
stein showed us as the Zionist Takeover mentioned in Talmud
Torah and Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion as well
as the Kyle Odom Manifesto, also had to fill out several
fucking affidavits and display business cards and State ID
every single fucking time plus hours and hours of Police
Intimidation where cops left me in hot/cold rooms for hours
did deisel therapy on me, left me homeless, and were about
to shoot us and lacerate our skulls with a GUN LOL WTF and
we set them off drawing schematics with colored pencils
yesno questionaire plead the fifth and say no and then
the men in white coats will leave you the fuck alone LOL
also How will you screw the days? Karly Noel Franz, SRA,
Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory, Mr. Pickles Circus, Central
Texas Snuff Film Industry Underground some files are shared
from analogue tape to Peer2Peer and the Dark Web now Modernized
to Tor and i2p as we All No on Linux and BSD LOL you Cuck, also
Hank's Meat shop is another popular Snuff Film Industry and
you have Houston Texas and Columbus Ohio and Tel Aviv Israel
and Hollywood CA as the four Zionist Jewish Mossad Israel
Shell Company Pedophile Human Trafficking areas of the world,
as all of this has been exposed and people children are raped
and drugged and molested in Freemasonic Lodges all over the
world and Ignorance is Bliss and Six Jewish Companies Control
The Press GE, Viacom, Time Warner, News Corp, CBS, Disney,
Those Six are Cancer to the Press as Zionist Jews the people
who get to have Six Travel passports and real property rights
when we cattle Goyim do not really says something I hope this
file finally trips off the CIA, Freemasons in the Sheriff's
Departments aka Gang Stalkers and NSA Signals Intelligence
and just does remote computer tampering on this file and that
would just be so funny as we all know Kyle Odom Claims Martians
have destroyed this planet and Zionist Jews The Talmud Torah
Judaism the Israeli Religion and jewish Banking Runs the
Damn show as Kyle Odom already exposed in the Kyle Odom
Manifesto PDF File and that the Martians actually use the
common wild Goyim the 144K in the CIA MKULTRA PROGRAM as
Sex Slaves and in several other Human Trafficking Networks
mentioned above look up Ted Gunderson, Cathy O'Brien, Mark
Phillips and the CIA Program Monarch and MKULTRA Read the
Books by Douglas Valentine THE CIA as Organized Crime and
better understand this Jewish Caste System and the Coercive
Persuasion Program and that Monarch MKULTRA Programming is
a common everyday thing in these Freemason Military Settings
people are so oblivious to things such as Psychiatry they do
not even know Anti Psychotics cause Hearing Loss, brain damage,
Movement Disorders, Restless Leg Syndrome or Akathisia and that
people even kill over Akathisia that is how ignorant everyone
actually us over these Big Pharma Lies about wear a mask and
get your COVID Nineteen Vaccine which we all no is an MKULTRA
CIA Program not based on Science a Zionist Jew Invention and
Alex Jones is a Fake Truther who you should ignore and istead
listen to David Duke Adam Green Brian Ruhe Adolf Hitler,
David Irving, Ernst Zundel, Alfred Schaefer, Mark Collett,
MKULTRA NOW, Martinez Perspective, Brother Nathanael, Douglas
Valentine, Andrew Norton Webber, Auto Urine Therapy these are
the real guiders and teachers to this Jewish Zionist Controlled
Jew World Order based on Cestui Que Vie, Usurous Banking, Uniform
Commercial Code and unfathomable Statutes Codes and Ordinances
that no human can perfectly abid by and you always as a Cattle
or Goyim Non Jew to the Jewish Controlled caste system can be
put in Incarceration for simply questioning the Holocaust which
we know to be one of the most irrational laws more irrational than
drug use LOL and you sheep blindly accept the Six Company Media
which I said is GE, Viacom, Time Warner, News Corp, CBS, Disney,
so anyways, Linux and BSD are What most Servers on the Internet
run as I bill my Linux Domain Dot Com WS Yearly instead of Monthly
I can have an easier time with billings LOL Top KEK and we come to
this note Anti Zionism, 5150, Israel Mossad Jews did 9-11, Inside Job,
Holocaust is a Hoax reason why is it is illegal to do so in sixteen
countries, global warming also a hoax by globalist zionist jews,
Know More News Adam Green of corse and you just become a Telepathic
Psychic Ghost when you die and religions are made by Martians,
and Cults LOL, and Anti Psychiatry is Anti Pharma and we need
to accept that, Usury is the problem plus Communism as Hitler
realized that and got Germany out of a banking Debt LOL ... ;
Also to state USBC is the Future Back up to Nine SSDS Three in
a Lock Box with Ammo Can American Locks, and always use Ballpoint
Pens and not ever Gell Roller Pens, and when I did my first astral
projection it was a white board, more like drugs was said to me,
and a blonde lady making a stick man on dry erase markers plus
room was lit by sunlight bulbs on Free Energy negative resistor,
and I have more fluff and drivel 528 is Peace 963 is God 126
is Sun 1267117 is 151 and 0.9536 is Pentagram and 741777 is the
other symbol for the Pentagram LOL aka 0.9536
circlediameter And
the Jewish Victor Version History is a Lie as the Pure Blood
Kohen Jews who are part of B'nai B'rith ADL a secret society
also go to Jew only special schools and Jew only country Clubs
and Maria Farmer Whitney Webb already mentioned this, also
we have Jews Kohen Pure Bloods maintained by circumcision of
oral suction out of the penis and you goys were not orally
sucked during your circumcision so you are not pure blood
Kohen jews and Not allowed at Jew Only Privat Schools, jew
only Country Clubbs, and Jewish Six Passports to travel and the
Goyim or Non Jews do not have Property Rights, only the Jews
do as Rabbi Finklestien said to James Wickstorm on the Radio
LOL and you sheep still do not get it, your Christianty is
a tool of the Jews and Martians to decieve you when we humans
die we become Telepathic Psychic Ghosts LOL and you sheep are
actually people us 144K Star Seeds as One Man in the Truman Show
have shown that are the ARcons in the world we must ignore,
not engage with, take as much as we can, never react to,
plead the fifth to, and must say no to and ignore at all costs,
as this arconic planet controlled by Martians and Zionist jews
Completes to erode than David will be the King of the world
for this Jew World Order according to Satanic Judaism Freemasonry,
the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Talmud and Torah,
Now for this summation this will be my last line in writing
text ................................................... ;
This is the Footer EOF of this Very Exact Perliminary File ;
Drivel #flushyourmeds ... ;

By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;

Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier ... ;

Useless Stag Woke Party at the Motel LOL ... ;

In a few bits of drivel we can say the 304050

Scheduled Suicide Plan is an end to soul contracts

and that when humans die they become telepathic

Psychic Ghosts who are Electromagnetic Period ... ;

One example of a Negative resistor

is paper or conductive rubber then

another is 500 MG and Gas Light Bulb

and antenna ground and then the other

shit is Ozonate your water and distill

it after digging a primary well for H2O

and then of course there is the only good

water is water and just water as water is

healthier than other things that block the

PSI gene and then Microwaves also kill the

water and then kill you so avoid those ovens

and distilled water is safe and no big deal,

just that these Zionists, Jews, Freemasons,

and Martians have destroyed this planet and

we all fucking know this as well so nothing

new and then Also I wanted to lastly add

everything after 911 requires state ID LOL and

also wanted to add Kubuntu KDENEON is the only

working stable OS for Ventoy as a Business OS

also Jews have destroyed even the software as

in accordance to the Protocols of the learned

elders of the zion labeled a hoax by ADL, and

we know B'nai B'rith is a Kohen jew society LOL,

so this shit about the Holocaust is fooling no

one ever and we know the Holocaust to be a hoax

and that Zionists/Freemasons do all of the gang

stalking period end of story nothing to disagree

with in the first place and that will be the

Factorum of Factorums to set my ways in Conquest ... ;

The Trick for free cash from the Vending Machine at motel 6

was to trip it with quarters and a dollar bill, type the code

for Grandma Cookies and exchange cash button afterwards

then get my 1 dollar coins and several quarters triped the

vending machine as another nigger put stuff in it LOL, and

then bought two chex mixes and some cookes grandma kind

and then spoof my mac address to f0faba44001122334400

and then 888844456011 dns as my pin is 51506666 and

my japanese zip codes and flush your meds and na for

business title and 2535555555 for a number and address

9999 homeless st seattle wa and then Linux as a Live os

on ram disk via ventoy and Kubuntu Kde Neon as my main

daily driver os and then that is it for now for this and then

of course it's all sheer luck, also The Beer Miller High Life

was total shit as usual and stag cucks next door as usual,

same usual bs as usual and google translate and steganos

web proxy Google Translate LOL And Scanning The Network

with Two Programs Nmap Etherape and AngryIPSCANNER … ;

along with archivers bypass cloud nine DNS block of

dns and will erase the passwords in this session window and

log out of this very exact not so poinient fucking email ... ;

--Scott A. Barry ... ;


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