Original painting on canvas, 16 x 20", mixed media: oil and acrylic, tittled, Brain Splatter & Drizzle

in #mixedmedia6 years ago

Good afternoon, STEEMIANS!
It's 12:32 here in London, England, and all is well in my world. I do hope wherever you are on the planet, all is well with you.

Since us Brits love to talk about the weather, let me tell you, it is absolutely sunless and bleak, as I write this blog. For the past week, it's been so volatile... one day it's sweltering hot, the next day, it's pissing down with rain, the next, cold af. You walk down the street and some people are in their winter coats, some in shorts and sandals. People are confused as what to wear each day. And you can never trust the weather reports, honestly, when have they ever been accurate?

Anyways, today is my day off from work and I'm going to fill the day with a variety of simple activities as much as possible. Below is an old painting I did a while ago. It's difficult to give you a honest step by step account because it's hardly fresh in my mind.

I do recall, however, painting the background in black gesso, then playing around with various oil colors: red, orange, blue and yellow. I also squeezed some gold metallic paint in the bottom right corner worked it in the canvas but then decided not to carry this throughout the painting. I then drizzled black oil on parts of the canvas wanting to show some sort of movement and some of the lines reminds me of tadpoles.

And of course, it's the same painting.

The top painting, which I titled, Brain Splatter, because of my warped imagination, was photographed inside and the other was taken outside under natural sunlight.

I titled this, Drizzle, photographed in natural sunlight.

Thank you for visiting my Blog and I wish you all the success with your own.

FOLLOW, if you will...I have lots more art and poetry to come!
I would highly appreciate an UPVOTE
If you RESTEEMED that would be awesome.

It's now, 13:05


wow! look at how much better it looks with a good light source!

Thank you so much! I really appreciate your ongoing support! Have a great day! :D

Your post was featured in Thursday's @ARTzone!

Courtesy of @web-gnar!

Awesome...thank you so much!

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