in #mividaensteemit3 years ago

Hello, my name is Yngrid Rodríguez, I am 41 years old, married with two wonderful children, 19 years old, the boy and the girl are 21, both university students, I am the 8th of 9 siblings, I grew up in a neighborhood of palo negro Venezuela with my parents and brothers , I had a childhood full of education, scolding and good values, my parents' house is shared in two with an annex where my older sister has always lived with her two children named by me as my second mother, I had a complete primary education and High school, at the end of high school I did not continue studying because at the time my parents did not have to pay for university, however my mother always had for my brother's expenses one of the oldest I would say her favorite son, so I met him brother-in-law of my sister at 16 years of my life and I became his girlfriend two years later I married and formed my family, at 19 I already had my first children and then at 21 years of age the second baby, years have passed and I'm with my is I still have a family full of ups and downs and triumphs, in 2007 I started studying at the university and by 2012 I was graduating with a degree in administration thanks to God and the support of my husband, in 2011 my mother died of intestinal ischemia At 66 years old a fighter woman left me from the earthly world, after that sad event my father was able to live 4 years later due to his health condition, he has AD slow memory loss every day is a struggle, since he forgets everything sometimes he does not even know what it is like to shower he forgets my name, since he moved in with me my brothers gave up all the responsibility for him over me, I am the only one who takes care of him, buys his medicines, changing rooms, payment of doctors and specialist my husband He supports me with all the financial burden and my children with his care, since I suffer from active sciative nerve, thyroid, and chronic migraine, thank God and his mercy today I can take care of him even he already has 85 years of age, the treatments doctor Yes they are quite expensive and the routine examinations, there are times that I have differences with my husband but I must turn the page because he adopted my father as his, sometimes I feel rejection towards my brothers for being such bad children my father was never bad.
mi abue y mi abuelito.JPG


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