Mistakes, Contributed By @olawalium.

in #mistakes6 years ago


What you did; that is who you were
What you did is not who you will be
It all boils down on your choice
No man is without a history
Live doesn’t come with manuals

I have made mistakes
In life we all want to do what it takes
As we launch forward we sometimes take a dip
Most times we are led by our emotions
Fueled by our desire to make things better


In our bid to make things better we overdo it
Never mock anyone in their down moment
Be careful how you wield your thoughts and comment
That moment of their life will pass
Where will you hide your face when it’s done?

We all make mistakes and shouldn’t be crucified by it
If you can’t encourage such a person just hold your tongue
If you can’t make the person better just pass by and live
No man knows it all, as we all live and learn in life
You make mistakes and if you don’t make them, how do you learn?

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


And that's why it's unfair to criticise cos you don't know if someone detests what you do too.

We all make mistakes and when you find someone who made or making mistakes, don't judge, just learn from them

Yes, we should be careful before we judge people too quickly. Each person we come in contact with is fighting a battle we know nothing about. Thanks brother.

Hi @olawalium ,
That is true that we should not laugh if someone had it's down time of life. As ups and downs are the part of life of everyone.

It is definitely part of life and we learn by experience. Mistakes are bound to happen and our approach to it matters.

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