An Indian medical student was crowned Miss World at a glitzy event in a Chinese resort on Saturday, making her country the joint-most successful in the beauty pageant’s history

in #miss7 years ago

Manushi Chhillar is the sixth Indian winner of the long-running contest, following in the footsteps of Bollywood actresses Priyanka Chopra and Aishwarya Rai. Her win brings India level with Venezuela as the countries with most victories in the history of the pageant, now in its 67th edition. Meanwhile Stephanie Jayne Hill, who represented England, came second runner up. Chhillar, 20, is a trained Indian classical dancer who also enjoys painting and hopes to open a chain of non-profit hospitals in rural areas, according to the Miss World website. ‘Thank you, everyone, for your constant love, support,’ and prayers she wrote on Twitter. ‘This one’s for India.’


All the best for the future of this beautiful lady.

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