I invite you to Participate in @miprimerconcurso Special Halloween

in #miprimerconcurso7 years ago (edited)

Hello dear friends of steemit, thank you for being present on my blog and accompanying with reading my post. @miprimerconcurso was born with the purpose of supporting people who just started on the platform. It is an easy contest to realize, the idea is to do simple things so that they can all participate, have fun and make money.

@miprimerconcurso, will award the most creative or sinister story, the slogan for this week is.



Source: https://www.taringa.net/posts/info/18536246/Loque-quizas-no-sabias-de-Cuentos-de-La-Cripta-Videos.html

Participate with a story of suspense or terror. It will reward the most creative or the most sinister. The work of each participant will be evaluated and the three best ones will be rewarded, the evaluation will be as we were doing them in the beginning, rewarding the works more creative and of better quality.

Here I leave a copy of the work they must do, it can be a job of their own or third, if the work they present is third, do not forget to mention the sources.


  • Title: #miprimerconcurso 17 "entrada # 1 (they put the title of their works) Tales of the Crypt

Source: http://portal-dos-mitos.blogspot.com.ar/2014/02/tau-kerana-e-os-sete-monstros-lendarios.html

The Corrientes people are very superstitious, this mysticism was born with the arrival of the Guarani, brought with them the legends and beliefs of an ancient people, according to Guarani history, were the creators of the universe, after creating the world, our Guaraní God dedicated himself to procreate life, formed a family with which he had a son and a daughter, the daughter was beautiful, the devil fell in love at first sight to meet her, eventually seduced the girl and managed to marry her.

The witch of the village cursed this union and condemned all the children who came from this union, the devil with his wife had seven children, all deformed, are known as the "seven monsters of Guaraní mythology."

One of his sons is Luiso-Luiso. A person with a dog's body, feeds on the dead and babies about to be born, attacks the pregnant women to kill them and then feasts with the unborn.

The days of full moons can be found in the cemetery, all dead buried that day, attacked, dismembered and eaten by Luiso-Luiso, it is very common to hear him howling sitting on the stones looking at the full moon, a chilling story of our Guaraní culture ...... ..

I hope this example fulfills the mission of stimulating your creativity, desire to have fun and enjoy this new contest.

The prizes are weekly and will be the following:

The contest rules are:

  • It has to be related if or with the theme of the week. (Tales from the Crypt)

  • You have to start with the #miprimerconcurso tag. You can complete the other tags as you wish.

  • At least 6 users must participate.

  • The contest ends on Monday night at 11:59 pm in Argentina. It's the only way I can think of being able to set a schedule.

  • Only 2 tickets per week are allowed.

  • The title of the post should be "#miprimerconcurso 17" entry # 1

  • If they use images for their works, indicate the source, if the writing is of third indicate the sources to whom corresponds, if a post is found that does not meet these conditions will be automatically disqualified.

This would be everything, I hope this project has been to your liking, I hope to participate and have fun, that's the idea, to earn some money while we feel good.

Thank you very much for your attention and your participation, feel free to leave a comment.

It is notorious that our community is growing, every day we meet new partners who come to our platform, for this reason I want to put the foot of my post with some useful information.

If you have any doubt or query how to work on the platform you can access the link that I leave below to dissipate your doubts.

In the platform there are countless users who present different types of jobs, there are for all preferences, for a matter of quantity I will only name some of them that I recommend you to visit: @sirwinchester, @ knozaki2015, @kingscrown, @doitvoluntarily, englishtchrivy, @ericvancewalton, @ good-karma, @htooms, @jrcornel, @kevinwong, @opheliafu, @pfunk, @stellabelle, @ papa-pepper, @sweetsssj, @meesterboom, @thecryptofiend, I would like to be able to give you more information about users but as I said before there are many of them, then in time you will discover for yourself.

You can also find many contests that you can participate, I'll give you some of the labels so you can access them and so learn better.
Colorchallenge, beachwednesday, bwphotocontest, memechallenge, retovenezuela, steemitphotochallenge, treetuesday, MonochromeMonday, SunThursday, LoveFriday, BeautifulSunday, these are some of the challenges that you can participate in, you will slowly get to know others

For the Spanish-speaking community I can recommend three competitions that are in force, the contest @cervantes, stories chained and the one of spanishchallenge. I leave the links so that they can access them.


Do not forget to vote for the witnesses, join the link and collaborate with your vote, Support the Spanish speaking community (cervantes), We are many people of Hispanic speech that we have to thank your support, please vote for Cervantes, Enter the link to know more about who are representing our community. Again thank you very much.


Source: http://manuelcalderonportafolio.blogspot.com.ar/?view=classic

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