Minnow Uprising: Final Stats and Lessons Learned

in #minnowuprising6 years ago

Well, here we are. We made it to the end of the #MinnowUprising and #UpvotePlankton initiatives happening in the month of July. I did stay involved the entire month, even though I did not post as often as I should have. We were supposed to post at least 2-3 times a day, but many days I was thankful to get one post done.

I wanted to share my final stats with you, along with some lessons learned during this challenge.

Item Tracked|7/2/2018|8/1/2018|Percent Change



Vests|0.005 MVests|0.011 MVests|120%



Total Posts & Comments|591|861|46%


I actually think these numbers are really good. At least for me, I am happy with the results I got from these initiatives.

The lessons I gained from the initiative were as follows:

  • Consistency, consistency, consistency. You have to be here regularly, sharing your thoughts, things you have learned, and even off-the-Wall topics with others. You cannot just post once a week and hope for the best. You have to show up for yourself if you want to be rewarded.
  • Make meaningful comments. I tried to make a point of commenting on other #minnowuprising and #upvoteplankton posts at least 2-3 times each week. And the comments I left were not just “Good” or “Nice work”. I told people what I thought about their posts. I shared what I liked most about their photos. I found the silly or the sweet or the significant and pointed it out in my comment. And there were a few times that I helped with a couple of corrections and tag suggestions. 
  • Reply to what others say. Sometimes it took me a few days, but I always made sure I would reply to whatever is commented on my posts. I want people to know that I hear them and I appreciate that they took time out of their day to talk back.
  • The Dapps are wonderful. During this initiative, I was introduced to dlike (the decentralized form of Pinterest). It is a neat tool that helped make posting easy. I also used DTube for my videos. I tried many, many times to do a dlive, but was completely unsuccessful in doing one. Like I said, This thing will NOT beat me! There were other applications I didn’t have a chance to use, but I will definitely look into them.
  • You can never run out of ideas. When I felt the urge to not make a post...I went and found a contest to write for (it is how I won 100SP delegation to use for a week), or I did the Freewrite of the day, or I wrote thoughts about quotes that have come up in my world, or I did a motivational video. And when nothing else worked...I took a photo and let it speak for itself. 
  • The right tags will get you seen. I did notice on a lot of the posts I read from our two hashtags that the first tag was kind of cryptic, and so their posts were probably not being seen.The tag should be relevant for the topic and should make sense for those coming to read the post.

And of course, meeting cool new people is a fabulous by-product of participating in this.

If you were part of the #minnowuprising and #upvoteplankton initiatives, what did you learn? What were your results? I would love to know.


I learnt that I'm still unsure about the platform, @mrscwin but was never a great Facebooker either - so it's just me being a hermit.

It learnt that a lot of it is 'who' you know and 'who supports you' - or perhaps I just confirmed my suspicions... I tried to go a bit wider than my usual circle, but I get the feeling people view me with 'suspicion' (I'm just a bit odd I guess). It's good you got that delegation, well done !

I also learnt that regardless of the initiatives the key is 'discord' and I really do not have time for that so I do not think I can expect that much. Do you use discord ?

Like you I am happy if I manage to post once a day - twice is rare for me because of the 'timings' I have.

I tried both tags and wasn't sure whether or not I was accepted as I only got feedback from #upvoteplankton which was nice. I also got downvoted by random bots. I don't know whether or not it coincided with my tag use and that threw me a bit. I reported the downvotes but never heard any feedback which was sad.

I guess at least we tried :D

These are great insights @cryptocariad!

I started using discord when there was a talk on the FiberArtists channel. I couldn’t voice talk, but I could type in the chat. It can be addictive if you do not set time limits for yourself.

I did get downvotes from one bot, and I could not figure out who to report it to. It is sad that no one took up the report you made, though. Hopefully that particular bot is gone for good.

Yeah - we did try it out! Points for trying! 😉

I just read this post this morning:


When I went through, I found the link for steemdb website. Saw my activity graph for the month, and the red line did go up during the month. Will have to research that site when I get a chance. 😉 hope it is helpful for you as well.

Thank you @mrscwin. I'll go and check it out now !

Most of the downvotes that happened some weeks ago seem to lead back to a group called "Steemit Defense League" afaik. This activity seems to have lessened a bit as known accounts get their starting vests removed.

I'm rather new here but I can only agree with you, especially regarding consistency and comments. Good comments are threads that lead readers from one post to the other and perhaps to yours ;)

Discord: I joined a German speaking discord rather early after my start here and the first weeks was only silently reading what people were writing. But the FAQ-channel there where all kinds of questions about Steem got answered helped me a lot. Most of them covered things I didn't know either ;)

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