REWARDED my active followers for their comments

dollars flying.jpg
As promised, I PAID the first prizes to people who made quality comments on my posts:

I transferred the prize money with great pleasure because they enriched my experience and I wanted to help them to develop their profile.

There are still 5 posts with each at least 1 5 SBD prize each for a quality comment (See below)

1 STEEM PAID to @futuristgear for helping me discover a few new authors I never heard of

in this post

2SBD paid to @reddust

for several comments she made in
Although I don't necessarily agree with everything she said in her comment, it was an obviously well thought out comment, which took time to research. Well appreciated!

Eligible posts for minimum 1* prize of 5 SBD each after payout

(*more if the posts earns me more, giving away all my author share on these):

My post explaining strategies on how to build the skill to deal with change

My post on the new rules of the new economy as they apply on

My post on how the new economy is changing our assumptions about life

My post on how to develop the skill to have good ideas

This post explains the rules and is also eligible for minimum 1 5 SBD prize for a quality comment

Nobody bothered so far to spend some neurons on making even a minimally thoughtful comment so on some posts the prizes are totally up for grabs with minimal effort.

This is crazy, it is like those events where a guy stands waving a 5 dollar bill (7,5 USD actually) around and nobody bothers to stand up and take it!
It is not rocket science... but then again Steemians are an altruistic bunch not motivated at all by money apparently.


Thanks very much @the-traveller! I've powered it up. :-D

I noticed the notification and 1 steem sitting in my balance and was wondering where it came from to begin with haha.

Enjoy it! Hope it will be one of the first of many!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.13
JST 0.028
BTC 57142.21
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.25