Pretending You're With Minnow Support When You Aren't To Get Comment Upvotes

I got an interesting comment last night from a user I don't know saying they had gotten one of my posts to be upvoted by the minnow support project. I joined the PAL network and the minnow support project not too long ago and I first thought, "How sweet someone would upvote my post." Then, I really thought about it and realized it was weird.

When you upvote a post using the PAL network in discord chat you get a comment like below: 2017-07-21 00-25-01.jpeg.jpg

The person who commented on my post didn't leave a comment like this but one using their own profile. At the end they ask that you "please upvote this comment" to support the Minnow Support Project. I then investigated and this person had left over 20 comments in 30 minutes saying they had upvoted various peoples' posts using the Minnow Support Project. I knew instantly they were a spammer and lying to get peoples' support.

I've gotten a lot of spam and lying type comments lately trying to get my upvote on comments by TRICKING me saying nice things.

It's Such A Shame


If people would spend as much effort as they do lying and cheating to get get pennies they could make positive contributions to the community and do well. I work very hard making good comments and reading peoples' posts. I try very hard to be a part of this community and to contribute to making this a fun place to write.

Where Are All The Great Steemians?


To see people spamming and lying to earning money annoys me. There are SO MANY OF THEM!!! It is very hard to find the great writers and artists through the sea of spammers out there. When I first got here I was very discouraged because I struggled to find people to interact with who would have conversations with me.

This Guy Looks Like He'd Be Fun


I almost quit early on thinking the only kind of comments I was going to get were follow for follow or begging for upvotes.

I'm sure a lot of new people feel that way. I'm sure a lot of people quit because of this. But I kept going. It took hard work to find a great group of users who I truly enjoyed reading their original art, stories, blog posts, recipes, and more. I only follow people who are fun to interact with and make this place great. I wish all users would strive for greatness instead of focusing on pennies. I wish all users would realize that you earn more pennies with a little hard work and positive contributions instead of lying like the one user pretending to give me a vote from the Minnow Support Project.


If you're talking about that Chelsea person I noticed she was posting that a lot on different people's accounts but I wasn't sure if she was scamming or not. I do know the minnow support has been opening up several different types of accounts for various things but I must admit I was very surprised to see the extremely low amount of pay that she gave the people she posted on....... She gave less than $0.01 for supposedly upvoting you from minnow support so that made me question it for sure.

Oh yeah. That's her. I think she's been doing it for a while. She's been called out for it too by others. The sad part is she is getting upvotes for it and people thinking she's great so they start following her.

I believe @chelsea20's comments definitely qualify as spam.

I also noticed that @aggroed has commented on one of their posts.


Well said. Sad. But the truth will out, and your response is perfect... Just get to know and appreciate writers (like you) that do nice work. ;)



I hate cheaters. Always have. Just put in the work and you'll get where you want to be folks. Constantly trying to find an angle to catch a few pennies is such a waste of their time and they'll never actually succeed. It's really not that hard, just some patience is all it takes.

I've had a couple people like that I put them on mute I don't know what they're trying to accomplish, don't pay attention must mute them hugs and kisses have a beautiful Saturday!🙃🌷

Its a big problem. I think Steem Inc will have to implement a system that stops the spam comments. I hope so anyways. I got this one yesterday, so I called them out on it...

Screenshot (30).png

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