Part I : The Journey of the Soul - El viaje del Alma

in #minnowsupportproject7 years ago (edited)


"...It takes time...many years of pain...many years of self awareness...many years of commitment...many years of self-knowledge...all of them to be able to reach the light..."

Alma was a young girl. She was ready to go by herself and face the world. Little she new about all the difficult times she was going to go through while following her dream. She thought everybody wanted to help, she thought everybody had a good heart...


And so her journey began...traveling long nights across that unknown suspended bridge. During silent scary nights she cried, she was afraid to fall because she knew that many piranhas were waiting to devour her body and trap her soul.


While her body was moving her soul was observing...clouds surrounded her...the inner heavens were grey. She sat on that thin thread while she waited for that huge storm to go by. Little she knew that she would have to wait 11 years.

Floating in Time.jpg

And that's what she did. She waited and waited...she floated and floated. She was confronting her scariest beasts and the giant of fear. She was so lonely...but nobody knew...

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Time went by...the shadows began to fade and the soul was ready to climb. The colors began to change...fall and winter were gone...

to be continued...

"Toma tiempo ... muchos años de dolor ... muchos años de autoconciencia ... muchos años de compromiso ... muchos años de auto-conocimiento ... todos ellos para poder alcanzar la luz ..."

Alma era una chica joven. Ya estaba lista para enfrentar el mundo. Nunca imaginó todos los momentos difíciles por los que iba a tener que pasar para poder alcanzar su sueño. Pensó que todas las personas querían ayudar, pensó que todas tenían un buen corazón ...

Y así comenzó su viaje ... viajando largas noches a través de ese desconocido puente suspendido. Durante noches silenciosas lloraba, tenía miedo de caerse porque sabía que muchas pirañas estaban esperando para devorar su cuerpo y atrapar su alma.

Mientras su cuerpo se movía, su alma observaba ... las nubes la rodeaban ... los cielos internos eran grises. Se sentó en ese delgado hilo y esperó que pasara esa gran tormenta. Nunca imaginó que tendría que esperar 11 años.

Eso fue lo que hizo. Esperó y esperó ... flotó y flotó. Se enfrentó a sus bestias más aterradoras y al gigante del miedo. Estaba tan sola ...nadie sabía ...

Pasó el tiempo ... las sombras comenzaron a desvanecerse y el alma estaba lista para escalar. Los colores comenzaron a cambiar ... el otoño y el invierno se fueron por siempre...



Albert Einstein : Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.

Beautiful quote @ainal! <3! Nice to meet you.

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