My Shepherd minnow support project

Joining this great platform has been a life changer for me and for majority who have got that talent burning with them but once here they start to unleash the fire within them but it's only a matter of time before that fire starts to lose its flame when they realize their hardwork is not been appreciated by the steemite community but just like a sheep without a Shepherd they wander aimlessly thereby losing their zeal to reach out to the world through their undying talent. Minnow support group has been a dream safer for many minnow on this platform because they have in one way or the other through diverse project restored the burning flame in the hearts of minnows and help build their reputation on this platform. I felt the whole steemite community had to learn about this and appreciate the good work they have been doing and I hope with this post more minnows can get across and make minnow support group their Shepherd and a positive head start into the wonderful journey ahead on this great platform. Thanks

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