Sjennon Support - Week #21 is LIVE! Slots open for #22! [Get my 100% upvote ($1) for a week]

in #minnowsupport6 years ago

Nominate yourself while you're hot! Simply comment in the section below!

It's been a great weekend in Copenhagen. Unfortunately, it's monday again and work is calling - I mean Steemit. And we all know what monday means: SJENNON SUPPORT!

Are you ready to rumble?


Winners of this week!


1. @bengy

Musician with a Science background, I write about many things, causing collateral damage to a wide variety of topics!

2. @sathyasankar

Mechanical Engineer by Graduation,A farmer by Occuppation,Rationalist,An avid Learner..Passionate in exploring Science!

3. @creyestxsa94

This account is a collaborative account of me (Jane) and my boyfriend (Carlos). We will both manage the account. We are in a long-distance relationship. He's f...


Slots for next week are open! Comment below to nominate yourself :)


What is Sjennon Support?

@sjennon is a nice person who wants to support minnows with their original, undervalued content by upvoting their posts for a week. Every week, three Steemians will be picked from the comment section who will receive a 100% upvote on every post for seven days.

Are there any rules?

Well, more like a FAQ. It's not something big or giant, but just to make some things clear. I've had some questions before so I would love to lay them out here!

  1. You can nominate yourself or someone else by commenting in the comment section below.
  2. Every week I will pick three minnows for Sjennon Support which will receive 100%, 50% or 25% VP (1st, 2nd or 3rd place) on every post for that assigned week.
  3. When you've been placed on either the first, second or third place, based your blog/content and average payout per post.
  4. The winners will get maximum 2 upvotes per day.
  5. Average payout must be below $10 per post. Priority goes to nominees below $5.
  6. You can renominate yourself if you've had Sjennon Support before, however new nominees have priority.
  7. You can definitely upvote the comments of people who you think deserve Sjennon Support. Like a Community Decision!

What is the catch?

Nothing. All you have to do is comment to this post that you want to nominate yourself, and I shall check out your profile!

Why so generous?

Why not? I would like to add more Steemians to my upvote bot to support the minnow community and to properly use my voting power! Just a lil' gift from me to you!

My VP is going to waste and I think people can benefit from it! Also, I want to show the community that these simple things such as upvoting a minnow can really regain someone's confidence who has been struggling to get some people across their posts. It's give and take, people. And I want to give.

Want to help out?

Ever since I started Sjennon Support, the average nominations have been increasing. Also, I've seen some great improvements in the content people are writing and it hurts my heart to not be able to help everybody out as I would love to have a bigger impact on the minnow community and would also like have an influence on more minnows.

Therefore, I am looking for some generous, like-minded Steemians who want to help out with delegations. With the delegations, I am able to support the community more as well as to serve more minnows at once as I wouldn't have to use all of my VP.

Also, a wonderful way to support this initiative is to trail!


Track your followers with SPECTACLES


My name is Shannon, I am a digital designer and I am currently on my world trip which I am exclusively blogging about on Steemit! :D There is not a specific goal to my trip other than to have fun, discover places and unravel the secrets of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the USA (for now). Follow me on my adventures!


Nice project. I'd like to humbly nominate myself. I'm new, and I'm finding it hard to pick up traction. I've written on a number of topics, but my posts are most frequently commented on by bots. Depressing.
Thanks for working to better the community.

You're doing good my friend. I'll stop back by your place and give you some love. Stay strong and don't give up. One thing that may help, is to go out and find people who have things in common with you or that you find interesting. Comment on their posts. Let them know that they're doing a great job. Build them up a little and encourage them. It's even a great idea to ask a question or two because there's a better chance to get a response and possibly bring them to check out what you're doing. Plus you can always say hey why don't you stop by my place and check out such and such. Also, so you know, if you're looking to meet people and find people that are easy to get in touch with that like to talk stop by my place. Also on top of that, every Monday Wednesday and Friday I release a quick and easy 60 second game. EVERYBODY WHO PLAYS WINS EVERY TIME! That equals an easy way turn a little bit of money while you start to get traction with your posts. Also, should you have any questions we can always find you answers. I wish you the best of luck and don't ever give up my dear friend. I send all of my love to you and all of yours. And may our creator bless you all.

I want to nominate myself!

I am amazed with your kindness @sjennon, I want to nominate myself @bangone

Wow, thank you @sjennon for the support and congratulations to everyone that applied (or also won support)! I have a couple of more in depth posts that I'm drafting so this would be a big bonus to them if I can finish them this week! Thank you again!

Enjoy your time in Copenhagen!

Hi @shannon thanks for your kind generous heart!
I want to nominate someone who have same kind act to community like you. BUT, he doesn't has huge vp, I remembered he pointed out my mistakes and show me some good examples of blog to learn from. He even recommended my content to some big fish to vote and support. I think he deserves bigger vote to grow faster to help out more minnows!

Thus I'm here to ask for your support to him. Will you please cast your vote to him! Thank you!!

He is @davidke20

Wow!! Thank you @sjennon for choosing me as a winner. You are doing a great job by uplifting planktons!

Congratulating @bengy and @creyestxsa94 for making it along with me.

You're very welcome :)

Halo i am @bboyady from #teammalaysia. Would like to nominate myself and thank you for this effort. Salute.

Thank you for the initiative. I want to nominate myself @janicechua

your kindness helps it very cool, hope you always get the best yes, i want to nominate myself @marlisa

I would like to nominate @yidneth, who puts so much effort into every single post she creates. Even when she just posts from steepshot or dsound or something, she adds a massive amount of work to it. Too often she goes barely noticed. Seems not fair to me that she flies so far under the radar. At the very least, I hope my comment here guides someone to her little fairy door here on the platform. ♥ Thank you for all that you do!

Here's her most recent post:

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