in #minnowsupport7 years ago (edited)


We’ve all the seen the recent flurries of posts about MSP, and the great things it’s doing for newbies in the community. But questions about “how” and “why” still reach my ears, and I have to tell ya—they are very valid. I can’t help but think about fidget spinners, and how they’re all the rage.

But are they functional? Do they serve a tangible purpose? Some say yes. And having raised a child with ADHD, I’m not entirely skeptical. Still—questioning how they work, and why isn’t out of line at all.

My previous posts about @minnowsupport have been lighthearted and in the spirit of fun. But now it’s time for some straight talk. No flashing gifs, no cute little emojis. Just answers.


I joined Steemit in early June. I came here knowing I could write well, and I came with a platform of my own. I knew what I wanted from Steemit, and what I could offer Steemit. But I came without any preconceived notions about how much money I was going to make, or how quickly my audience would grow. It was just an experiment. And it was one that failed badly.

Here's what I learned within one week’s time: when it comes to being seen and heard above the noise at Steemit, quality of content doesn’t matter. Flashiness of content doesn’t matter. Integrity of content doesn’t matter. The good posts fall off the screen unnoticed as quickly as the bad posts. And if your article isn’t spotted instantly by someone with real voting power, it never will be.

Some of you may not have had that experience. Some came with an audience from other social media sites. Some people might have gotten lucky. But most minnows who read this will relate completely—it really is an ocean of whales and dolphins, and minnows don’t even make a splash.


A while back, some of the more business-minded witnesses realized that the future of Steemit depended entirely upon new user experience—if the platform could not draw new users and keep them, it would ultimately fail. So great effort was put into figuring out what problems the “minnows” might have that would cause so much frustration that they’d swim away to other oceans. One of those problems was lack of visibility on the platform, and failure to gain traction with posts and other content that was severely undervalued.

The Minnow Support Group was founded as a retention tool. If people join Steemit and hang on for a month, yet never make more than twenty-five cents on a post or get two comments that show people actually read it, they’re not going to hang around long. Being ignored isn’t part of the advertised Steemit experience. These witnesses and whales formed a group that would make their expertise accessible to new users, with advice, guidance, tips, and even voting bots that can give a newbie’s post some considerable boost.


Back to the paragraph above when I said content quality doesn’t matter—if it’s unseen forever, that is a true statement. But what happens when people start actually reading a minnow’s posts?

If the Minnow Support Group succeeds in connecting minnows with other minnows who will read and interact with their material, then views will increase. But here’s where content quality actually starts to matter. If the article is poorly written, poorly formatted, or empty of any value, it still won’t receive upvotes and the user won’t flourish in the community. So the Discord support group not only offers a chance to network and build relationships within the Steemit community, it provides tangible resources for people who struggle.

There are many different channels to explore at Discord, including the peer review channel, now renamed the MSP Workshop channel. This is a place where minnows can preview their posts before more experienced Steemians who can pick out flaws in the presentation that may inhibit upvotes. There’s a crypto-trading channel, where people experienced with the market can talk to others who might be a little unsure. There are promotion channels, where people can post links to their articles. This is just a sample of the different resources offered right there in the chat forum at Discord.

Does any of this matter? Does it work? I can speak only for myself with any real authority, but I’ve seen my followers triple in the last week, and my posts are getting read. As much as I want them to be? Of course not. But more than they were before I joined Minnow Support. And good grief—I’ve been here less than a month. Anything with value takes time to build. Overnight sensations tend to become one-hit wonders. I’m betting on the long game, and the Minnow Support group is, too.

One more thought and I’m done. The MSP Discord group can also be thought of as a training ground. People experienced with the Steemit platform are there to offer guidance, support, and even correction. Spamming, “i follow u if u follow me” habits are discouraged. Our most helpful, courteous, enthusiastic, and involved members at Discord are the ones seeing the most success on Steemit. This isn’t a coincidence. Those people are learning skills by interacting with other Steemers they might never learn anywhere else on the platform. But you get out of it exactly what you put into it. There are no free rides. The best way to gain followers is to reach out. And there’s no better place for minnows to do that than the PALnet Minnow Support Group.


I just want to say that @rhondak reached out to me through the minnowsupport and P.A.L. Net and has been incredibly helpful. It really is a great group for beginners like me as well as advanced users. The group really exemplifies the true community spirit of steemit. Thank you so much!

Steemit is definitely a team effort. Success of the individual depends on success of the whole. And I believe that's part of the magic. :-)

LOL! That word "magic" reminds me of the Outlander fan clubs at Twitter and Facebook -- and how a shared loved of one book can lead readers to a new author, someone they might never have heard of, if not for the passion for a specific author/story/genre/cast of characters.

Yep! Exactly. :-) "Fan Magic" is what you're thinking of.

Well said, @rhondak. This platform is an exact microcosm of all of the business blogs and podcasts that find success on the plain internet. The more value you give, the more you receive. MSP has found a way for minnows to give value despite the issues with Steemit that you stated. And it's growing and growing at an incredibly rapid pace. Members such as yourself and many others are helping to keep that vision not only alive, but also thrive in these waters. We do have members that can not see the pond for the ocean, but those that can see that ocean are going to be extremely happy when we're released.

Exactly. The only way I have been able to look at this journey with Steemit over the past few weeks is that it's preparation for a much bigger experience.

I'm amazed, after years of paying my dues at various other sites, to see that someone pays her dues and it PAYS OFF! Go @rhondak!!

You're a part of it, too, @carolkean , and I have a feeling that before long, you'll be seeing reward for your effort, too!

Thank you for explaining the function of the MSP in a way I can understand!

And thank you for being the inspiration to write this. :-)

Aww! You are welcome! I guess there will always (hopefully) be people like me coming to Steemit asking the same questions. A friendly explanation is always welcome!

Yes! You are so right. And hope people are always coming with questions, too! :-) So few things in life that anyone has any "right" answers for. This is a rare exception.

Great post and wonderful explanation.

I'm glad the MSP is turning out as wonderful as it has so far.

It is certainly doing well up to this point. That's for sure. :-)

This is gold. I'm a bout the long term right there with you. All my rewards are power up, I'm donating my P.A.L. Upvotes to anything that helps the community and doing what ever else I can to help in anyway. Longevity is the key. Helping the newest minnows is the key. We will grow like this, not by asking what others can do for us but asking what we can do to help others.

I wanna ride with you. Please come to me with anything you think I can do to aid you aid others. I'm there for you.
👊🏼 Team #minnowtowhale of @minnowsupport

@joeyrocketfilms , and here's the cool part -- were it not for the Discord group, what are the chances we would have ever connected at Steemit? That's the beauty of this--the networking with like-minded people. We're from all over the world, with diverse interests and backgrounds, and yet we find so much common ground. I deeply appreciate you. :-) See ya at MSP!

Awe thanks and I completely agree and appreciate you too! I'm thoroughly enjoying this!

Me, too. On a level I haven't enjoyed connecting with others in a long, long time. I thought humanity was dead. Nope! Not even close. Folks just weren't finding each other in the fog of modern noise.

haha very well said, too funny!

Thanks to @joeyrocketfilms I found more posts like this, e.g.
And I'd be following you now, but I've exceeded 200 followers, and I upvoted too often from Day One at steemit, but I'm still learning. Out with the old (Twitter rules), in with the new!

Haha cool. Yea it's tough to break old habits!

I can already tell, I'll be reading more from @rhondak :)

You came recommended through Discord by @GMuxx given your writing background. Hoping we can learn and evolve together.

Much ♥

@GMuxx is the best. Truly a gift to this planet. :-) I'm so glad he told you how to find me. You bet there will be more from me to read! Come find me at Fiction Workshop over at Discord. I'm there more often than not. :-)

Ditto the affirmations of @rhondak, and I can attest how much time she devotes to Discord, Minnow support, and Fiction Workshop. I'm trying to catch up, but the third load of laundry is ready to line-dry, and the dogs - alas, my dear dogs! - never did get their morning walk. Now it's too hot for Collies.

Thanks for all your hard work(?)... :-)

And thank you, @jesse2you , for doing your part to make this community so worth it. :-)

What problems might drive the “minnows” swimming way (with much frustration) to other oceans? Good question, Rhonda, and good answer.
At Twitter (and other sites), I've already done a great deal of that personal interaction you describe--the genuine stuff, not the "Buy Followers" or jump on a Follow Train stuff, and I'm still there with my nearly 8,000 followers after several years of effort and time, and not a single penny to show for it, nor even any clout --- how many people bought books because of my Retweets, Kindle Share, Facebook shares, and my Book Reviews at (lots of places)? Now I'm shifting my focus, time, energy, and effort to steemit. Thanks to @roomerkind (who first introduced me to steemit) and @rhondak, who's showing the world how steemit is done!

I wouldn't have done anything BUT swim away to other oceans, had it not been for the stroke of genius had by @aggroed and the other witnesses at @minnowsupport , and the support and friendship of @GMuxx and @shanewelker and the crew at MSP who've made Steemit a completely different experience. :-)

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