How I got kicked out of PAL Discord Channel

in #minnowsupport7 years ago (edited)

I believe that this is not something that happens often or Steemians don't talk about it. I got kicked out of PAL due to some unforeseen events.

A brief intro of PAL

PAL stands for Peace Abundance Liberty and house one of the most popular services in the name of minnowsupport and banjo. If you use the $upvote command in the # upvote channel on Discord, your post will get upvoted by minnowsupport and banjo. For more infor on how this works, check here

The aftermath

Last week around Monday, I wrote my post as usual and went on Discord to promote it on the # post-promotions of channels that I am a member of. To my disbelief, I couldn't find the PAL channel among my channels list. I tripled check so as not to make any mistake but for sure it was not there. Maybe I left the server by mistake the night before so I asked a fellow Steemian to send me an invite.

I tried the link he sent and I get an invalid message. Even today while writing this, I tried the link directly from @minnowsupport page but still the same result.

It took me a few days to realise what had happened and I have been checking every now and then to verify if the ban was temporary or permanent.

How it happened!

By now you are all curious as to what might have caused a Steemian to be kicked out of such a great channel!

It all started on Saturday the 16th of September when @doushoum contacted me about an issue he was having. As usual, he waiting for some 30 minutes before using the $upvote command on the PAL discord channel. However, @minnowsupport didn't come to upvote his post.

I advised him to try it again on Sunday but the problem was still same. So to help him out, or so I thought, I used the $upvote command for his post in the PAL Discord channel. After a few minutes, all was great and @minnowsupport came to upvote his post and thus everyone was happy except the moderators of PAL!!!

How I know this was the reason? Well while talking with @doushoum during the week and explaining what happened to me, he was laughing at me. I asked him why and then he replied that he also got kicked out of the channel. This is how I knew that this must be the reason. I was not allowed to use the upvote command on another person's post. 

This is not something that I had done once, I have probably done it some 3 times before they kicked me out. From my perspective, I was helping a fellow Steemian who is starting and need those initials push to be able to swim by himself. 

But if we look at the other side, the people running PAL were right to remove me from their channel. If every other Steemian starts doing this then we could use this system to write 20 posts and get other Steemians to use @minnowsupport to upvote all of the posts of 1 person. This defeats the purpose of @minnowsupport and the rule that you can use the service once every 12 hours.

I haven't tried contacting them for various reasons and I don't feel any grudge for what has happened.


What now for me?

First of all, I would like to say that I have been using the PAL services ever since I joined Steemit. The PAL community has been really awesome in helping us minnows and I have reached where I am thanks partly to PAL.

When one door closes, another one opens. Like @worldclassplayer has stated, the world is a playground and we are here to play. New adventures are starting for me on Steemit which is making me coming out of my comfort zone. I am an introvert by nature and interacting with people, even if it is behind a pseudo name, is difficult for me. 

New fun are starting, new paths being explored and new opportunities up for the grabbing. Don't know where my Steemit adventure is going to take me but so far it has been a hell of a ride and am loving every little part of it 😎

If you enjoyed reading this post, don't forget to upvote, resteem and check out my other posts for interesting videos and reads :)

(created by @readallaboutit)


Be who you are and say what you feel because people who mind don’t matter and people who matter don’t mind.

You are loved.

If you get into problems again here is server for this:

MSP Probation
Intro: a server for people who are no longer allowed into the MSP server due to disciplinary action

Spotted via @torico post :
Torico's Magickal List of Steemit Discord Servers v.2

Thanks for the link @isacoin and @torico.

I will contact them and see how it goes tip! :)

the person in PAL to approach is @discordiant. he is a nice guy. he runs the MSP probation server.

It was a great article. I bookmarked it for future use XD tip!

i put out a new version every 4-6 weeks as needed. suggest you check my blog for updates if v2 is over a month old.

That's awesome! Gonna watch your posts XD


As we all make mistakes I think a warning first would have been more appropriate. Unfortunately power corrupts those with tiny brains. I wouldn't apologize for being human if I was you. That's why I avoid these types of platforms at you don't know who the muppet's are moderating them. Upvoted.

You are right @readallaboutit, i contacted the msp probation server guy, i dont recall his name but maybe it was @discordiant as @torico says in his comment, and he was like so narrow-minded in the way he was talking, and couldn't see anything else outside of his little carved path of doing things. The way he expressed himself pointed out a lot of the fact that he had little to do with thinking and reasoning; power corrupts indeed this kind of people. The reason i was kicked out was that i had multiple accounts, such as for travels, poetry and mixing them together would look like a bad ramen soup. So i explained hence i don't post shit post (and can be verifiable) then using the @minnowsupport services, only brings further value to the steemit community, and enforces further user retention and so on; not to mention if you scroll down in the upvote section, and randomly click on posts to check how they are, 10 out of 10 are shitty to diarrhea type of posts. I mean, if that's what @minnowsupport is supporting, then no wonder @steemit is going down the toilet hole. Yes, the rules are good against abusing, such as one has multiple accounts and posts rubbish posts then by no means ban them for life. But this person i was talking to on the server was incredibly ridiculous showing a total lack of ability to think on his own, make rational and sustainable decisions, and lacking to the greater good of the service they provide and of the platform they provide the services unto.

Indeed we don't know the muppet that are moderating them; but that doesn't mean the puppets are walking like zombies with no head. It's sad to see this thing, even here on the platform.. What kind of groups/discord servers are you joined in, if i may ask @readallaboutit? I see you are able of self-awareness and common sense thinking, so i may be able to learn something useful from under your advice? Thanks.

It says right in the PAL rules when you first register that multiple accounts is a violation of our server rules. I'm sorry you missed it, but because of bot abuse there is no exception to that. You are welcome to have multiple accounts outside of PAL.

So posts with only a youtube link that use your services, isn't bot abuse ??

You attempted to get me to bend the rules in just your case, purely on the argument that rules were meant to be broken. You said that your posts were worthy of being able to give a single person more than one vote, and I told you that the rules were intended to content-agnostic in relation to multi-account violations.

As I told you in Probation, there were multiple warnings on new join, and registration, that clearly state:

Any attempt to gain more than one use of $upvote by any means inside a single cool-down period, including multiple registered accounts, will result in a permanent ban.

We caught you, you admitted to it in Probation, your ban was permanent.

It's not hard to understand, and it isn't a narrow-minded point of view to stick to the statements of our rules made in multiple places.

Edit: I just noticed that this was a rather old post originally. Amazing this got dug up this far along.

I'm not asking you to bend the rules, as if the rules are a bar of iron and i'm asking you to bend that. What i've asked you is to use your brain, your thought process and become aware that the only rules that exist are the rules or the laws of physics. What other rules we invented and created, are rules or ideologies to be used for guidance and to support a concept of a greater good; which in this case was promotion and support of quality posts of a minnow.

Let me ask you something, how many times you didn't follow a law or regulation, you didn't obeyed by it or just simply bend it, because you thought is not fair, or you thought that that restriction simply limits something you thought it shouldn't be limited at all? Or just took a shortcut because you thought the greater good was worth it ?

What i'm sure about, is that we're all people. There is right and wrong, and for that we have policies in place, to protect the right from wrong. But nothing is perfect, and will be many times when the policies would do harm rather than help. That's when one has to use common sense and realise the difference between standing for what's right and enforcing a law just because they have control to do it, and as @readallaboutit said: power corrupts - and that's when it harms the most .

That's kinda harsh, they should have at least warned you first.

I will need to chat with them soon to check what was the real reason...

Have not got time to read the rules. Thanks for this post.

oh wow! I never used Pal but now you are in the unmentionables :) so perhaps it was a good thing!

Haha maybe time will tell pretty soon XD

Wow... what a shame. Good luck with your new adventures :)

Nom = Name in french XD

Do you want my name haha!!

Cheers :)

it is really nice to use discord but we should follow the rules

Well we welcome to to the unmentionables. Please dont get kicked out again dude 😂

Hahah!!! Thanks! Now I read the rules of every room carefully XD

I will make sure not to get kicked out again :)

Cheers :)

Dont worry. Here, we watch your back.

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