A Certain Challenge that Needs to be Addressed in the World [MinnowSupport Steemfest Final]

in #minnowsupport7 years ago (edited)

This is my entry for the MinnowSupport Steemfest Trip.  If you don't yet know about MinnowSupport that I suggest that you check out this post by @ejemai

Why the #MinnowSupportProject is awesome for newbies and how to join!

A certain Challenge you feel needs to be addressed in the world

Education gives people choice, it is the key that is currently held by the privileged.  And this key needs to be copied over and over so everyone in the world has a free choice to education

I am one of the lucky few, I was privileged to be given a full education, and continued on to a Professional Qualification.  Although I know my parents struggled to provide this education for me. I also know that I too will face financial strains when it comes to further education for my own children.

But for some, a third level education is a dream, not in reach due to costs, family circumstances, locations, religion, and even race or sex.  Let alone a primary education

Check out these facts from DoSomething.org 

  1. As of 2012, 31 million primary-school pupils worldwide dropped out of school. An additional 32 million repeated a grade. 
2. In the sub-Saharan, 11.07 million children leave school before completing their primary education. In South and West Asia, that number reaches 13.54 million. 
3. While girls are less likely to begin school, boys are more likely to repeat grades or drop out altogether. Host a competitive book drive to benefit a shelter near you. Sign up for Stacks on Stacks
4. According to UNESCO, 61 million primary school-age children were not enrolled in school in 2010. Of these children, 47% were never expected to enter school, 26% attended school but left, and the remaining 27% are expected to attend school in the future. 
5. Children living in a rural environment are twice as likely to be out of school than urban children. Additionally, children from the wealthiest 20% of the population are 4 times more likely to be in school than the poorest 20%.    

source: https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-education-around-world


A vision statement of what a better alternative would look like

Imagine a world where education is free. Where costs, race, religion are not a factor. Imagine a world where every child was given the opportunity that you and I might take for granted. A world where education was a basic human right no matter what your age. Barrier free, border free education This is my vision for a better world 

A Mission Statement

To provide a world where education of every level and every standard has no barriers and is accessible by all, man woman and child. 

A specific set of Goals you have while attending Steemfest

I am a minnow, lost in this new world of Steemit.  I have so much to learn and so many people to meet.  I like setting goals, one of the geekly things about me.  Helps keep me focused and on target.  While I attend Steemfest my Goals would be

1) Learn as much as possible about Steemit.  What works, what does not work, the past and the future

2) Meet likeminded people

3) Strengthen relationships fostered on Steemit

4) Decide if Steemit IS the platform to send my 40K followers ( this is an extremely important decision as I have spent 7 years growing my online business and following)

5) Spread the word of Minnow Support.

6) Share my knowledge of growing an online business using content for 7 years

7) Unwind from family life and working from home. Raising kids can be tough and working online, well if you are reading this then you know that can be tough too.

How do you plan to achieve your goals and your mission?

To achieve my goals at Steemfest, will probably be one of the most fun and educational experiences one could have.  The plan is rather simple. Watch, listen, learn, ask questions, meet others, ask more questions, meet more people, listen, learn, glean and grow and share.  Finally I will play.  Work hard and play hard.

Please provide a simple chart of your refined budget


A very well written entry Paula, good luck!

Thank you very much @abh12345

Very nice blog!

Thanks @mikej, its nice to get some feedback

You're welcome @paulag

Great goals! All the best @paulag! :) You got my 2-cent upvote hehe

really good points @paulag

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