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RE: What I had to say on MSP-Waves

in #minnowsupport7 years ago (edited)

Hello, I really like your post and what your saying (not sure I'm informed enough to know if what your saying will work - but it seem like your ideas are worth a go or consideration at the least).

I agree the pay bot thing isn't the best.

As a minnow with average posts (won't say they are sht :) - as i spend several hours doing a post and try to improve each time) my steemit experience kindda goes like this:

  1. I spend several hours making my post and hitting the button (already spent days putting source together) - I'm slow with computers
  2. takes me an hour just to edit and clean it up -I'm trying to improve my english/writing/presentation skills.
  3. I try to get some attention of curators, or followers to get some votes.
  4. I Get like 20, 30 votes up to 100 votes, and I earn 7 cents
  5. I watch the 7 cents get less (yes cause price of steem varies, but more likely that paid for bot is being applied again bot bidders, spreading the share.
  6. I give up and try to experiment with the bots
  7. I make like $1 a post (after bot fees)
  8. I watch while people who just post a pic with unedited txt or refer a utube link (probably took them 5 mins, make $2 a post)

If I had published my book as e-pub like I was going to do, I would have made allot more money.

For me though Its not so much about the money, I love the idea of crypto and trying to wrestle control/money just away from the few and give to the many.. and I really hope Steemit is a platform of fairness. I really wish the whalebot thing wasn't the only way I could make something.

At some point I'd like to help make things better. I will follow you and if one day you want help with an idea please let me know and I'll try.

It's people like you that give hope. Please keep up the fight.



@lordnigel great comment .. I am with you this is my experience also.. I listened to @beanz on discord and she said many of the things she wrote here .. so glad she made this post.. she is a great representative for us minnows.. thank you.
Also one BIG shout out to @minnowsupport we love you!

Yes I buy and occasional upvote not to make tons of money ... after curation probably 20 cents on a dollar..

I have put in effort and got noticed a few times by curators... but generally doing this for fun now and really the fail factor is there for most new minnows.

Think of it a Whale A can post something ordinary...Whale B, C, and D have bots that can upvote it with never reading and it trends. How much out of the money pool is that? So I am fine with someone making 20 cents .. Like me.. Lol.. no offense to anyone .. like I say I am here for the fun of it or I would leave due to the imbalance currently being experienced and I am thinking it will al work out eventually even for people like me that are at the bottom and have no techy skills.

When I say shit posts I mean anything can be considered a "shitpost" by somebody, even my own (which is evident from the Bernie flag) The posts getting flagged are comments with a few words. I actually don't consider them shitposts personally but I can see why making $25 each is considered overvalued. At the same time, they paid for the votes just like somebody with a better post did, so both curations were inauthentic in my opinion.

Thanks for the great comment. Very important that we get the minnows perspective.

Exatctly what I thought about when seeing the bot thing for the first time. I'm still trying to wrap my head aroud delegating vote power and so on.. it's abit.. complicated. on a new platform the flaws that begin as tiny cracks grow into chasms as the platform expands. just like a baloon! that's why I like this stage- there's still a lot of time to fix things as we go along.

Thats a good Comments......@lordnigrl

.. sounds VERY familiar!!!!

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