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RE: What I had to say on MSP-Waves

in #minnowsupport7 years ago

Wow! You hit the nail on the head!!!
"People come to Steemit to make money..... People don't want to watch a social media network of other people making money!"

I had never thought of it so clearly. It's not just that you are told you can and WILL make money on steemit.......IT IS THAT YOU SEE OTHERS MAKING $20, $50, $300 and you are not going to stick around if you are only making $0.02 here and $0.09 there. If you spend an hour on a post and only make $0.50 or less, most First World users will leave if they see posts of equal or lower quality making $20 or $200.

There are ways to bring people around, and get rewarded through social interaction in communities and keep them around long enough to improve their posting and commenting skills so that they can earn too.... But atm it is not an easy process.

Thanks for being on MSP WAves, I only caught the last few minutes, so I appreciated your recap here!!


"IT IS THAT YOU SEE OTHERS MAKING $20, $50, $300 and you are not going to stick around if you are only making $0.02 here and $0.09 there."

There's an easy fix for that. Just remove the pending reward indicators from posts, so the only thing people can see is the number of votes and views, and then rewards comes as a happy (or not) surprise after the waiting period.

Not sure what's gained by displaying the pending reward amount anyway, except to induce the writer or curator to continuously check back on the post to see if the reward's gone up.

Agreed, showing the pending reward amount is counter intuitive in getting people to actually engage in content!!! on the feed/blog at least anyway.

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