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RE: Struggling Steemit Users: You haven't lost! You've just not found how to win yet!

in #minnowsunite8 years ago (edited)

This is really good information. I will have to admit, I was bummed at the start. I would spend hours and hours researching and writing and get 4 cents or nothing at all.

Sometimes I would see some quick post make $100's and just be amazed that a post like that made that much. But they have followers, so they must have done something right previously.

I continue to post and with time I get better and writing comes a little bit faster. If you continue to write quality content, eventually someone will spot you and you will be rewarded.


I commend you for sticking with it and I'm happy to see the nicer payout you've started getting!

If the joy is in creating the content itself, we've already won. The rest is bonus. :)

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