Free beer for all? Carefull cynicism in here.

Currently in Slovenia you can get free beer in a small city called Žalec. How can this be? Well it all has to do with the idea of promoting the city and country buy thinking this is a good way to do it. Never mind how much it costs, let's all have fun and go...


Right now there are 4000 children dying daily in Africa, countless homeless, soldiers on the brink of being homeless, 1 year long or even more waiting lists in hospitals for patients, drug users dying, animals being tortured, countless social problems ets. And we want free beer?

Never mind the technological advancements that are currently happening in the world, never mind all the hard work being done by scientists to improve every small thing.

Ok, i have calmed down a bit. But seriously now. Why would anyone of their right mind want a beer fountain? It's bad enough that the new generation of kids are spoiled beyond believe, now we offer them free beer. Why bother raising them to not make the same mistakes we see being made by politicians and major corporate warmongers.

It seems that the future is all about being a drunk. I get that the people see their own race and fellow humans as imperfect. Beings that need to be perfected to be fully controllable or so to say drones. Human robots that can't do no harm to the world elite. If we think about it, that is what power is. Being able to control everything and everyone.

Why must we believe that the media is on peoples side? They are not, never ware. Media is just a means on controlling peoples "opinion" that no one really cares about. I've seen a few protests here and there against the regime of the elite, but nothing really came out of it. The numbers ware far too small do have an impact. This is one of the reasons i joined STEEMIT, to have at least some sort of impact, to spread the word so to say.

I have been reading some books on the principle of master and slave, and always thought to myself that this is simply not possible in modern history. I was so wrong, so very wrong.

Scientists like said above, want to improve every human imperfection. Sadly this goes right in the hands on the government, for they will only benefit from this evolution of technology.

How about Word War 3? Does anyone even think that it is possible? Just look at what the americans and russians are doing. They are improving their nuclear "defence" weaponry. Is anyone concerned about this, or is everyone just simply saying: that's of no intrest of mine, they can't get me anyway.

I have come to understand that simply watching what is going on in the world is far from enough being done. We need to do more, we must stand up and fight. Fight for the future of our children. Fight for the freedom of will, writing, speech and movement.

Start reading books from Karl Marx, Chomsky, Freud, Derrida, Plato and many, many more...

Say no to party nonstop, say no to pleasure with no end, say no to all drugs, say no to the government, say no to everything the mainstream media is trying to feed you.

Say YES to books, say YES to freedom of speech, writing, will and movement. Say YES to your future and the future of your children. Say YES to living without fear of anything, YES to intellectual freedom.


get a life...

I bet you feel better having got THAT off your chest. Nice rant ! I did one of those as well.... feels good to get rid of the frustration.

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