
I try helping out with Our @hhym and SteemTerminal Discord so Thank you for the shoutout i feel its alsonsbout me, and the feeding your minnows is highly appreciated I know that for sure

Haha yeah, definitely you were one of the helpers I was thinking about. Coordinated efforts are good.
That reminds me my actual minnows need feedig again, too.

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@abitcoinskeptic, i hope it Will, and if not i Will still be steeming on hahahah

I'm even smaller--I'm still a plankton!

Proud member of #powerhousecreatives

I raise shrimp in my aquariums, too. No worries.

Posted using Partiko Android

What an awesome post!

That aquarium is along the lines of what I am populating for my little ones. Danios and guppies and gouramis along with some live breeders.

As far as the feeding of steem Minnows goes, that is a great collection of information and advice. I am going to resteem that for all to share.

Well done my friend!


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I always liked guppies and neon tetras, I don't care that they are 'beginner fishes'. Never had danios.
It's a 20ish G community tank, so lots of little top feeders gives it a heavily populated look. I may pick up a large 70ish G tank soon. If I do, I'm going to have a lot of thinking to do.

At first I wanted to get a list of resources or people to contact. I'm sure someone keeps something.
But, I don't really think a one-size fits all approach is good. Better to help the minnows find a niche.
Maybe there needs to be some kind of questionnaire. Incentivizing it could work, provided they meet basic criteria.

I love the photos of your aquarium. It kind of made me want one for myself.

They are very relaxing. Just don't put in too many of the little guys right away. Rule number 1 is patience. Rule number 2 is balance.

Oh, I like this. I'm pretty new in steemit, I just got on board on February but thanks to all the people that have supported me I think that I'm in a good path to make a good art blog and do some money. Still RC is a nightmare to comment and engage people. But everything that I made was supported by kind users! And that sure is something that make me want to stay and be part of this community

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow a hungry, hungry minnow!

RC is a challenge for beginner's accounts.
From what I've seen, 50 to 100 SP is enough for most people.

Your account looks honest and sincere and you appear to be off to a great start.
It looks like you have around 27 now + the 20 for noobies.
If you reply that you want, I'll give you a 50 SP delegation for 6 weeks. At your rate, that should take care of things until RC isn't really a worry.

OMG that would be amazing! Yes! I wpuld love that! It would help a lot! Yes I'm a hungry minnow hahahaha. Thank you for the follow too!

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Done, please enjoy until May 5th, which somewhat fittingly happens to be Children's Day. I hope you grow big and strong.

Thank you so much!!! :D I will do my best !!! I'll sure grow up soon!

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Will let you know and let us know with a list so I can upvote or curate once and a while. Maybe make a list of decent posts. Some redfish need encouragement not to just forward a link or post a picture of their sandwich. A few well constructed sentences are all it takes.

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Ive got my own personal support metrics worked out. Some times the creeps come begging for ot, but usually the minnows and red fish are well behaved and enthusiastic.

I am actually toying with an idea to help a minnow by sponsoring their contest.
If someome has a good idea and their prize pool doesn't live up to participation because they can't afford it without stunting their growth, they'll do.

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Very nicely done @abitcoinskeptic! Glancing through your account a bit, this post drew my attention. I am not easily impressed. This one definitely deserves support for the effort you put into creating it!

”But Gasp! Some little guys or minnows don't want support? I didn't when I was a minnow. I was only blogging like once or twice a week. I just was waiting for the market to get reasonable then suddenly boom 10X the Steem. Yeah, my minnow to dolphin story involved buying Steem. Even my plankton to minnow story involved an exchange, but that was crypto-crypto, I didn't blog at all when I was a plankton or even red fish.”

We have a somewhat similar story. I had never been online, before deciding to go beyond just being an investor and “jump in” to becoming an active participant. I still wonder, at times, if I made the right decision … 😉

While I have heard of #powerhousecreatives, I have never taken the time to investigate. Based on some of my early experiences, I chose some time ago to support the @pifc community. I also do what I can around the great community and people associated with the @steemcommunity witness.

My number one issue is time. Always has been. Likely always will be. Never enough of it and the constant question about whether I am spending it wisely …

Well, up before 🌄 (here) @abitcoinskeptic and on into my day … If you don't mind me asking, what drew my post to your attention? Why do I ask? That is how we “met” …

Upvoted. Resteemed. And now following ... 😊 Keep up the great work adding value to our Steem blockchain! 👍

Thanks for the support and thoughtful comments.

I actually just gave the guys a second feeding. So thanks for stopping by during feeding time.
@crypto.piotr resteemed your post and I follow him because I think he helps a lot of people and does some good curating, too. I don't follow a million people so my feed isn't out of control, but I follow too many people to read everything. You had a topic I like. It wasn't just a review, it was an experience that didn't involve your device breaking either.

Regarding the quote you pulled from this post. I remember quite some time ago I came across a group of people who had a certain negative attitude towards people who bought their Steem. The whole I am a self-made blogger attitude.
I kinda think that is cool making money from just the Internet. However, these people have to remember they didn't make Steem, they just blog on it like me and earn Steem like me. Also if no one wanted to buy the stuff, it wouldn't have value. In any case, I eventually bought 5000 Steem and I have no regrets. I don't want to say my buy in price, but let's just say there was a big difference between early 2018 and late 2018. I really started to like doing it and the price was right to get myself a decent amount.

Thanks for looking through my blogs, I'll have a look at yours, seems like I may even like a few more judging by the first one I came across.

I've definitely come across @pifc, I like how all of the communities are a little different in what they do or expect, etc. No harm in joining more than one either.

Thanks for the time invested in this response @abitcoinskeptic. I do not take it for granted.

Yes, I follow @crypto.piotr as well. Very interesting story in life. And I have always enjoyed our interactions. It will be interesting to see what happens with him in the future, as he gets settled back into life in Europe ...

For me, I long since settled the question of "bought" vs. "earned" Steem. I make no pretense to being anywhere close to able to spend the time required to "earn" steadily. Also, the concept of raising expectations I cannot possibly meet weighs heavily for me as welI ...

do what I can, with the time I have available. I simply will not allow Steem (or anything else) to take up an inordinate amount of my time. The "cost" elsewhere is prohibitive ...

Have a great day!

I have a 75 gallon tank down stairs that is just accumulating dust. Looking at your minnows makes me think to bring life back to the tank. Would be nice to see it thriving with life but it's gonna be a lot of work. Funny you tried the fish food as I tried that once as well, very unpleasant.

75 gallons that would be so much fun. I may actually get the chance real soon if the tank I can get free will fit in my vehicle.
The nice thing is there is no rush and patience means success in the hobby.
I would start with just cleaning it out, then moving it to somewhere it looks great and using it as a display case or a fishless tank with just some landscape and maybe slow growing plants for a while.

💖Much Respect #PHC Fam💖

🙏Thank you for helping our STEEM Community to grow🙏

✨I do have a friend I'm hoping to if it's ok, once I get the green light from her..I would like to reach out to you for account creation if thats ok please?✨

💖Thank you again. Reiki Hugs!💖

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello, I literally just make account ticket and promised it to someone. It will take 5 days for my RC to recharge now, but if that isn't a problem, I can give away next one to your friend.

Posted using Partiko Android

No problem at all..that would be fantastic 🙏💖 Thank you so much!

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I got a spare ticket now, hit me up with a dm in discord (I'm in PHC group, too).

  1. Make sure name is open (just search on steem if you get an error, it doesn't exist)
  2. I will give you keys
  3. You will give to your friend and tell them to change master password (login Steemit active, use master to change

Thank you so much 🙏 I will msg you mid morning tomorrow once I've confirmed the handle she would like if thats ok. Much appreciated BeautyFull! Reiki Hugs 💖💖💖

Posted using Partiko Android

A minnow bait and switch. I thought your minnows were beautiful. And you lured me into a steem pep talk. Lol. Was good... and i concur. Support is certainly the trick..and helping the noobs is so needed. Ive known far to many dropouts. A few are friends in this real life. Most people just found it too confusing or too meh.
Maybe I’m confusing and Meh so it works for me...anyway i forget if i was going somewhere keep feeding minnows i guess.

And as to a minnow call out. I call out @kkkkkl she is my friend through comedy open mic. She used to make these funny videos being silly in malls and dancing in public places. She is really sweet... and kinda disappeared... i think mostly for lack of traction. I noticed that just recently she has been posting a bit again. I wish her love and support.

Its so nice to have real life minnow friends on steem, sad to see people go but it happens. Same happens with my real minnows, too. =(

Posted using Partiko Android

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