Minnow Of The Week - My Steemit Experience.

in #minnowoftheweek6 years ago (edited)


My journey on steemit has been a mixed feeling. Feelings of both happiness and disappointment, achievements and failures.

Peter Odogwu is my name, my username on steemit is @baradi. I am from Enugu State Nigeria. I had both my primary and secondary education at Redeemer Nursery and Primary school and Govenment day secondary in Abuja. I am graduate of Philosophy from the Prestigious Urbanian University Rome.

I am based in Abuja Nigeria, working as a secretary for a private firm( this is just a temporer job since I have not gotten a better one). I am single, fair in completion, 5.2 feet tall.

Am a lover of music and games. I enjoy quiet moments because it offers me time to reflect on my life and the many challenges ahead. My hobbies includes writing, reading, relaxing, playing games, etc. My likes includes honesty and sincerity and I dislike pride and deceit.

Am calm and reserved, lover of peace and tranquillity. My philosophy of life is: live and let others live because the World is big enough to accommodate everyone.

My Journey On Steemit

I will begin by acknowledging my good friend @hilltop who introduced me to steemit. Thanks alot, am grateful.

I was reluctant when I was told about steemit because of my similar experiences with certain platforms in the past. I saw it as one of those ponzi schemes out to exploits people.

After a while, I decided to give it a trial and tody, I have this to say about steemit.

Steemit is a social media platform that rewards it's members for thier posts. Simple put, post and get paid. Steemit encourages creativity and originality. It's a forum for exploration and expression through writing.

Steemit is not a ponzi scheme, it is real. All my doubts regarding the authenticity of steemit has been cleared and I am proud and happy to be on steemit.

My Steamit Experiences

There are two sides to every story namely: the good and bad, positive and negative. I will begin with my positive(achievements) on steemit.

My Achievements

Financial empowerment. Prior to steemit, I was not strong financially. There were many financial responsibilities I could not attend to because of my meagre income but thanks to steemit, all that is in the past. I can now foot all my bills with ease.

Expansion of my friendzone. Steemit offered me the opportunity to make new friends globally. I can now boast of having friends not just within my country(Nigeria), but also outside and these new friends of mine are are contributing positively in my life.

What about my writing skills?, that has greatly improved. The way I used to write before joining steemit and the way I write now are different. There is a tremendous improvement now. My horizon has widened and I can now write on any issue or idea that comes my way.

Steemit is now my best company. My days of boredom are gone. I now use my time properly, attending to important issues daily. I can steem almost all day because I now it is beneficial to me.

Challenges on Steemit

I don't want to consider these as failures or disappointment rather, I see them as challenges because life itself is not a bed of roses and nothing good comes easy.

When I joined steemit newly, I felt frustrated. Frustrated because my posts got no attention(comments and upvote). I felt very bad because there were times I spent a whole day trying to write something nice and still, no one noticed my posts. To me, it was a waste of time and effort. But with patience and time, I posts started gaining the attention of the people.

Trying to write is not easy I must say because it takes a sound mind to be original and creative. Steemit has really challenged me to be original because it flags off all forms of plygarism. Because of this, I put in much time and energy when writing.

At my early stage on steemit, I had the challenge of converting Sbd to my own currency(naira) but thanks to Airhawk Sbd Exchange Group, that problem has been solved. Airhawk Sbd Exchange Group is a group where Sbd's are sold and bought.

My Goal On Steemit
My primary aim on steemit is exploration through writing. I aim at expressing myself on how I feel about life in general and the happenings around me through writing because I beleive that written words have a long lasting effect on the minds of its readers.

Values I Am Bringing To The Community
I am Bringing in the values of originality and creativity.

I strongly beleive in both because the human person is a bundle of possibilitie. Every individual should challenge his/herself to be creative.

As a writer, I want every Steemian to avoid plygarism because it denies us our pride and prestige as writers.

People should be able to see something meaningful in our writings that would have a positive influence in their lives.

Why I Deserve To Win
Every contestant has the intention of wining. I deserve to win because my post is the best, it is original and creative with positive influence on you.

This is the link to my best post

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 57729.24
ETH 3118.56
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.37