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RE: Steemit Strategies - Communities and Focus

I want to ask a favor, as you really have been dissecting this down hard. You have an analytical mind, and I am afraid you will come to the conclusion I have.

I have been putting off the PayitForward post (will get to it sometime tomorrow). But I can see quickly this is going to get to large for a person to keep up with, and let me explain why.

When I first got here, I was featured by not one, but two different people using the same philosophy. One of them, I never heard back from again, the other has given me a couple of upvotes, but probably because out of my gratitude I upvoted much of his posts as well as sending him small crumbs when he did more of these features. I am going to deal with perception here so you can understand a little more.

I felt kind of abandoned when I never heard back from these people that said I was someone to watch. Then when you don't get anymore attention from them in the way of upvotes and comments, you question the sincerity of the whole thing. So based on this, I feel somewhat responsible for the people I featured last week, as well as any future people I would feature.

The rub for all of this is we only get so many upvotes per day. Mine run out quicker than some I realize because I won't use a third party to access a slider bar, but no way am I handing out my passwords (the recent account hijack on Binance from those using bots is a great example why I wont do this). Even with this slider though my mind (which is math friendly) says that the voting would still become the problem I am having, just a little further (maybe only weeks) down the road.

I already run out of votes so quick, and tomorrow I am about to adopt 3 more accounts. I refuse to be a hypocrite and recommend others to people that I wont be upvoting myself.

So how does one find a balance with this (I already had this balance issue weeks ago and find it growing larger by the week) and still be able to participate on an ongoing basis? One partial solution I thought of was at the bottom of each weeks post to have a growing list of past accounts featured, but that too would quickly grow to large and still not solve my problem with dispersing my own votes.

I don't know if this has been discussed in the discord channels you participate in, but maybe you or you brainstorming with the others can think of a way to make this more manageable. Because surely the only way I can see one doing this for any length of time is to begin ignoring past featured accounts.

Sorry I wrote you a little book here, lol.


Wow! This is a great question. I am going into a meeting now, but I am going to think on this for a couple hours and get back to you. One person that might be of help is @lynnecoyle1.

Talk to you soon.

but I am going to think on this for a couple hours and get back to you.

Thank you


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