
you're confusing contrails for something insidious. it's an honest mistake. and i appreciate distrust in the government, really. some amount is healthy, but it's time to side with the preponderance of evidence and move on with your life. look up Occam's razor and tell me what you think.

I know the difference between contrails and chemtrails. the issue is not contrails, it is chemtrails that I am most concerned about and I have prepondered the evidence of chemtrails to great lengths. My life is just fine thank you. In the case of chemtrails, your simple answer is more avoidance and distraction from the obvious evidence and extensive testing of the chemicals that are being emitted in our air, water and ground.

"when you have two competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is the better." Sorry, simple does not apply here.

United Nations Chemtrail/Geoengineering Conference

Published on Dec 3, 2014

Rosalind Peterson addresses the United Nations on September 3-5, 2007 in New York at the 60TH Annual DPI/NGO Conference on Climate Change, and Confirms that Chemtrails, Geoengineering, SRM are very real.

There are no simple answer here!!

Well then you reject Occam's razor entirely. You can't just pick and choose when to apply it.

I'm not trying to distract you, but to open your mind to possibilities. Is it not possible that you're mistaken here? Haven't you even been mistaken before, even though it's very convincing?

Take, for example, the Monty Hall problem in probability. When that came out, you had many highly credited mathematicians making fools of themselves by vociferously contradicting the counterintuitive solution. All it took was a simple computer model to refute them, and show that intuition can fail even the most capable.

So far you have not provided and evidence that convinces me of anything. You have been provided with loads of evidence to the contrary so I think you must be talking about yourself. anyway, give it up my friend..

I'm not trying to convince you, I'm trying to open your mind to possibilities you're not seeing. Is it or is it not possible that you're mistaken? Have you ever been mistaken before in your life?

What I see is you and what you are trying to do and anything is possible and yes I have made lots of mistakes and I am done with this insane conversation!! Your trying to judge me and my beliefs is a waste of time. I went to your page and read more of your rude comments to others and I for one will no longer tolerate you heckling and self righteous judgement of myself or others. I've tried to be kind, but kind doesn't work with people like you. so therefore, I am unfollowing you and muting you as wish you well, just somewhere else besides on my page. God speed! Respectfully...@thethreehugs.

I'm not judging you, I'm judging the evidence you present and I find it insufficient to make the conclusions you reach.

Don't take it personally. You are not your arguments, I'm not mine. Thank God we're not our arguments, cause I've been wrong so many times. I'm sure you're a fine, intelligent person, seriously.

I'm not invested in one conclusion or another. I just want to find the truth, as thoughtfully as I can. I'm not saying you're wrong, and I'm not saying I'm right, I'm simply evaluating the possibilities.

At least now we've established the possibilities, and we can evaluate them separately. Do we agree that contrails can look exactly the same as chemtrails?

This is top-quality content.

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