Thanks for your sharing! I just know you have invest 10MH for mining. I just inverest 4 for it..Do you think the projection will be just the same? or it is a totally different story if I just invest 4? and you know what? Gensis mining now open the bitcoin mining again, do you think it worth to invest? Thanks!
Hello there, thank you for your comment. The story will be exactly the same for 4mh if you invest with me the same day. Technically if you invest earlier, then you return number is likely to be higher. I consider btc before but decide not to go for it because like eth, the difficulty now is just off the chart.
Hello, Correct me if i'm wrong but here is my hypothesis: More people use Ethereum-> more exchanges->more difficulties But since there is more people using it it means that the value of 1 Ethereum would increase. In final it will be balanced this way and always (if the prices continues to increase) be profitable enev though the difficulty goes up.
What do you think ?