Mining Rig is Back Home

in #mining7 years ago


Got my mining rig back from @Coriolanus (thank you for babysitting). Plugged it in and it was up and running within minutes. It's been running so well I don't even have a monitor nearby for troubleshooting. I should still be able to access it through my network but I've been happy with the output of zcash over the last few months.


I don't really optimize for power since I'm more concerned with output. I should probably be aiming for at least 100W lower. Besides a very shitty rack, I'm quite happy with this rig.

I've been making some extra money this past month and have been considering expanding my mining empire. I have about $2000 in BTC right now and I could double the size of my mining rig with that (or pay off some bills). I won't be making any decisions until next week and will be weighing my options over the weekend.

More crypto or more debt? That is the question.


I'm always interested in seeing different mining rig setups! Good to see yours is back home.

Good thing we don't need a rig for Steem, right? lol.

I'm been curious about what all is involved in being a Steemit witness. I guess it's kind of like mining.

And anyways we mine with our words on steemit!

I've done some research on it. As far as I understand, they are the "moderators" of the community for the most part. They basically have some of the highest steempowers PLUS are deemed as responsible by the community. They still earn by words too I guess. All of the witnesses that I have "met" have been really nice.

I believe they have to run a server of some sort as well.

Yeah, you are right, they do need to have a fairly decent setup to run some form of server. Nice to see your rig! Cheers for sharing. Followed :)

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Nice post keep posting
Happy New Year

In fact, Bitcoin is not much more about how mining is done; why he deserves a long essay on his own which is so important.
Getting bitcoin is not the only goal of mining. The Bitcoin miners are also trying to keep a decentralized account book called Blockchain, one of the features that makes BTC BTC, and why it is so and what it does is another matter of writing. For now, let's just think of the mining concept as "finding / removing / printing bitcoin" ...

your post is very interesting.
but I want to ask you, how do you think about the development of 2018 bitcoin price in the future?
I just want to survey some people

it will go up!

best wishes your best friend Steemit @bwar

Your rig looks quite funny :)

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