Please help! Can't get avalon6 Bitcoin Miner to turn on, do I have this PSU connected wrong?!?! anyone mine BTC here with ASICS?!?! rassberry pi why wont it show up when i connect HDTV to its HDMI?

in #mining7 years ago (edited)

Please help! Can't get avalon6 Bitcoin Miner to turn on, do I have this PSU connected wrong?!?! anyone mine BTC here with ASICS?!?! rassberry pi why wont it show up when i connect HDTV to its HDMI?

Anyone know how to hook up an avalon six bitcoin miner?!?!

does anyone know why its not turning on????

What am I supposed to do to access the raspberry pi? Is it normal for it to just not show a signal from HDMI??

man why cant this stuff just turn on and plug in? Man why do I need a rassberry pi why cant I just use my regular computer

man whats going on??? this is so frustrating! @monkimo orders these two Avalon6s and we finallly get a PSU and theres nevr intructions when they would make things so simple...God theres no simple intructions anywhere even the youtube video doesnt explain anything because they use some regular ATX power supply! I have a delta 2400Watt power supply

PLEASE SOMEONE I will pay you a few SBD to help me! Why cantthis be more simple???? I have these beautiful ASIC machines capable of 7 TH and their sittng here doing NOTHINg why cant they just turn on?!?!?!

Ive never done this before PLEASE someone help PLEASE Ive spent all day on this and havent been able to get ANYTHING done and I cant waste anymore time, i NEED someone who has already done this to help me!!!!

I KNOW Im just doing some simple little thing wrong and I bet you guys can catch it immediately! PLEASE help Its making me go crazy!

Do I need to "Jump" the PSU???

here is the PSU!

Another shot of them both stacked up, might as well!

OK PROGRESS steemit user in discord chat @seanbob/spbesner helped me figure out why the rasberry pi wasnt showing up in HDMI, I needed a better USB cable and more powerful at least 2 volt USB wall adapter! and now I at last have the rasberry pi on! I feel like I am almost there!

Now I just have to figure out how to hook up the PSU to the Avalon six, im so close!

Im sending @spbesner and @senor 1 SBD each for the help!

I KNOW WHY it wont work! its a CHINESE power supply! i need to get a REGULAR power supply at Frys electronics! haha man, i knew we shouldnt have gotten that big 2400 watt one, oh well, now that I KNOW whats wrong and that i just need to return this anget a $129 1200 watt PSu from fry,s we will be mining VERY shortly!

UPDATE: I figured out WHY its not working! the PSU is Chinese power only! 140v 200v NOt for 100v US Power outlets!!!!

I need a REGULAR Power Supply like i requested from the beginning lo its ok just an expensive lesson to learn about why you should just buy what everyone else is buying when things are brand new field, you want to have what the guy i the Youtube tutorial Videos has when assembling electronic hah you really dont need to be wasting time UNLESS you're actually TRYING to learn about electronics! Since im learning expensive lessons I might as welll show Steemit! And hopefully NOONE in the US will EVER make this mistake of buying a chinese Power Supply unit made for CHINESE outlets....requires a converter and so the best thing is to return it, and simply

I need a simple 1200 Watt PSU I wish i knew a San Diego steemit user with an extra computer Power supply of at least 1200 Watts! I will have to go to Frys and buy one for $130 and these things are sometimes just laying around I wish I knew someon with one!

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining like this email [email protected] or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....

Follow @Ackza


I have wanted to get that set up myself

ya i know itsa shame i a not mining on it yet! yes nce i get it going ill be an expert wil be able to help u set yours up!

Yikes - good luck - I know getting mining equipment set up can be frustrating especially when you have things that are sitting around being paper weights.

I'd take a breath and give it a good google. Also - if you've hit the end of the road you may want to consider rebuilding/configuring/plugging in etc, from scratch - though I only have experience with GPU rigs.

Also, consider calling the manufacturer, maybe they have support (could be a long shot).

Anywho good luck!

i gotthe rasberry pi working so now i just gotta plug the miner in correctly! im close!

yeah just "take a breath and give it a good google", sounds very dirty LOL

man my friend had ordered the wrong part , again, this tiem they got a chinese PSU, haha we ill go get a regular 1200 watt PSU from frys soon!

problem solved!

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