What a Paradigm Shift Practically Looks Like

in #mindset5 years ago

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It's easy to get ahead of ourselves with visions and projections. But, what does an 'internal' 'paradigm shift' look like?

I mean - can you even think/imagine what your internal landscape would look like with a 'makeover'....you know....'a real paradigm shift'.

I find the concept:

'A Real Paradigm Shift'

….To be a fascinating point of Best self-regards and an utmost worthy investigation into the realm of Epic.

I mean - How we function is so much so a result of our 'inner housekeeping'.....our 'internal landscaping'.....the very, 'how we tend to our Kingdom'

I mean - 'Who else is going to grow, mature, develop, landscape and overall take care of our Kingdom?'....

The questioning is so much so rhetorical....and it's a friendly 'starting step' to embracing the Heaven's....the Best of ourselves in fact. I mean - 'if it's to be, it's up to me'...and a Great Question is Always the beginning of an Epic Quest we call, 'Clarity' and 'Compassion' through, 'Awareness'.

Ironically, it's so much so the 'curiosity' within the Questions we are willing to ask - to actually 'in fact' follow through with our work, our research and actually make note of our progress and process. It's a fascinating revelation in and of itself - the pure act of 'keeping record' with oneself - the more we are tuned in to our tuning and reporting/recording on our own day to day 'tuning'....'fine tuning'....the more we are able to Share, Give....and Receive....it's ironic because our receptivity is directly proportional to our willingness to give.

'Live to Give' becomes an inner reality and philosophy as 'way of life'....as Who and How I am Here.

"Live to Give" always all ways starts/stems with ourselves - the reciprocity effect is an 'outflowing' stream of best regards that comes from the 'well of our well being' which is an ever constant and consistent incoming in-flow as the very act and stand as what it means to live a, 'Self-Forgiving' Lifestyle.

Self-Forgiveness is an epically profound, ironically simple procedure/tool/philosophy/practice that is almost uncountable in terms of degrees of effectiveness in sound-boarding...fleshing out substantial change as life itself...Creation.....here.

Each is the custodian of our own Internal Empire....

What's that look like....


The Slow Flow is Remarkable,


A Day is a Lifetime and then Some Sum

huge bonus regards in driving together the best

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the extent to which I am responsible for my own well being and how my 'own well being' starts 'internally' as my 'kingdom of heaven' as the place where I am always located within and as myself here.

  • I realize Heaven is the place I've made up within myself as everything here and my relationship agreement with everything here - the equal and one stand as who I am as life itself here - heaven on earth as the heaven from within - this is a gnarly sort of experience in that it's become almost customary to not be bodaciously considerate about our internal realities....hence the external as a collective whole is a bit whacky in a funky disproportionate balance of regards....obviously it's not cool for there to be such inhumane practices...I mean it's sad as F that malnourishment exists...and it's a point of regard that only becomes more obvious, the more we stop malnourishing ourselves....and realize the extent to which each one is responsible for the feast or famine throughout the world....

  • I commit myself to sharing, exploring and overall playing with the expression of myself as the World is Me in and as the Living of Words - The beginning stems, branches and is overall rooted in and as our Words.

  • I commit myself to sharing the awe in and as the inner workings of my world through the usage of my words as who and how I am here - and what is my overall stoke factor.

To Be Continued with, 'My Inner Landscaping and Stoke Factor Jubilance'

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@FreedomTribe really appreciated your thoughts on Love as the nucleus of Paradigm Shift and is featuring this post in today's Spread The Love Curation #29.

cheers and cool!

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