Let go of old belief systems

in #mindset6 years ago (edited)


Greetings Awakened Ones!

One thing that I have learned in my life that is very helpful is to let go of belief systems that no longer serve you.

As we go through life, we are programmed with different beliefs and ideas that we come to accept as truths, but in reality they are just beliefs that have been passed down to us.


In this western society, there are many man-made laws that we follow and hardly question the legitimacy of these claims. In the Indigenous Culture, we follow natural laws, which never change and are based on the true reality of things.

I am always searching for truth and trying to figure out what is going on here and how I can develop into a higher version of myself. I completed a Sociology degree in university, so I studied society, culture and people. Through my studies, I came to realize that this society is backward and dysfunctional.

I also learned that everything they teach about the Indigenous Culture is lies and based on ignorance. I grew up in the western world and was programmed to believe in money, power, competition and separation.

These values felt wrong and unhealthy and I never bought into the lies that this society teaches us. I questioned everything I was told was the truth and after studying the information, came up with my own conclusion, based on the evidence.

There are days when I wake up and feel miserable and I have very negative thoughts. I know that this is temporary and these feelings will pass. I know that the next day, after a good nights rest, I will wake up and feel better and my thoughts will change.

I change my beliefs everyday and I never hang on to old beliefs that hold me back. I'm always willing to learn from others and I have the motto that I know nothing, so I have to begin with that understanding.

Many people think they know what's right and what's wrong, but they have no idea whatsoever if what they believe is true. We all think we know a lot about nothing.

When i'm feeling really angry, I know I have to exercise, because if i don't my feelings get pent-up and I feel frustrated. We have to keep our bodies healthy and strong because only then will be feel our best.

In the Indigenous culture, we aim to be healthy, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically, this is based on the Medicine Wheel Teachings. If we neglect any area, we will not be healthy and have a sense of well-being.

In this western culture, there is no focus on health or well-being, only power and money. There are so many dysfunctional people here, it is a hard place to live. I just read about so-called parents, who had their 4 children locked up in a barn in cages in the USA. How do we think these children are going to develop into healthy and strong individuals?

In the Indigenous culture, it takes the whole community to raise the children and the extended family, such as the grandparents have a big role in raising the children. In this western culture, we have babies raising babies, and the older people here are not very wise or developed themselves, not like in Indigenous culture where our elders are wise and very well respected.

We all take things too seriously here, like we are so important, but in reality, 100 years after we have passed away, no-one will remember us and the little things we did or the mistakes we made, so we have to lighten up and not be so serious about things. You can work your ass off your whole life, buy a big house and then you die, and then all the time you wasted comes to nothing.

We are all connected and all valuable. We have to come out of the dark ages and live in a better way together.

In Light and Love,


I fully agree. It's so chicque and easy to fall for the current mode of the empire when everyone around us is doing the same.
I feel I want to aim my life to move into the direction you described here. Bringing actual tribal bonds back in a healthy community that has all but hacked the alleged "necessities" of life the system constantly forces on us while it's actually doing its utmost bnest to keep everything inefficient and held back, so that we can pour more of our energy into maintaining positions and circumstances that are entirely artificially created and not necessary. Except to break out of and overcome^^

Than you for your insightful comments. I love how you said" we must bring tribal bonds back in a healthy community." That is so true. If we scale down and have small communities working together, we could create a society that works together, for the benefit of everyone. Another great point you made is how we "pour more of our energy into maintaining positions and circumstances that are entirely artificially created and not necessary." We often accept these circumstances as normal and necessary, but they just keep us busy and stressed out and not able to function properly. Many people have kids, a mortgage and we all have to eat and have shelter, so we live in a state of fear that we must go along with what we are told and not question things because that could threaten our very existence and ability to survive. We live in a police state now, where we are all forced into submission. All we have to do is withdraw from the system and not support it. So great to connect with you.

Likewise <3
And the best thing is: We're doing it right now ;)
It's the end of an old cycle for all those who choose to move in that direction, step by step.
much love!

I appreciate your kindness and support. I really hope we are moving in a good direction. Sometimes it feels like we are not making any progress. We need to come together and strategize and figure out how we can get from where we are now to a better place. We need to each step up and come into our power. I hope that we can come together worldwide because there are so many innocent people suffering at this very moment because we allow this to take place. I'm very new to crypto and sometimes it does seem complicated but i need to put more effort into figuring it out. I have to get a wallet and learn how to transfer money around and exchange money. Sometimes it feels like things are harder than they need to be. I want a simple life surrounded by kind-hearted people who are working on being a good person. I wish you health and happiness.

Aye, take your time. You are here, that's a great first step. Have only started getting into this thing a year and a half ago and still learning.
Like learning how to use the internet when it first came out^^

It will be worth investing time and effort now, when this thing goes mainstream we will have a headstart. Meaning opportunities where we can not only help new people with orientation, but also use the abundance to help people around us. Crypto can be such a mighty springboard, a tool. Nothing more.

All the best to you as well <3

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