Re: Why Do We Need to Look Out for Those with a Broken Mindset? from @chbartist and 5 SBI Giveaway Contest!

in #mindset5 years ago

Everyone seemed to really enjoy the last time I did this and I figured it was time to run it again!
This is a continuation in a series of posts with a giveaway. To enter the contest read the article and answer the question, I and other Steeminati will be upvoting your comments.

Now for the reason for this Post:

My friend,

I have to somewhat disagree with many of your premises in this paticular post.jeeeezzz.jpg

First we can not just remove bad mindset people from our lives, nor can we convince some of the error in their ways. Truth be told their viewpoint in their paradigm from their perspective may be totally valid. jerrylewis.jpg

I'm sorry to say that, in addition their is a large chunk of all populations that are just plain cruel and obstinate and unenlightened who will never be cajoled. This rises through heredity, environment, physical ambivalence in the brain from rote learning and/or lack of wisdom and the intelligence to genuflect. That does not mean they are evil and can not be friends.

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A good example. I play Poker with a lot of people from all forms of life and having different mindsets all the time, all have different reasons for sitting at the table to do the same ritual, but I extract my enjoyment in the comradire of playing the game, I don't care about the stakes. There are players that don't want to talk and have to follow every rule to the Tee and others that want to sit and drink, some that take bad beats badly and some that are happy to see you do well. There are some you will associate with only if your playing poker and others who will want to do other things as well. Even how the game and strategies of how the game is played and it's discussion is either viewed or frowned on by different participants.

Why do I bring this up? I have learned that there are people who after years playing with them having shown them many times that they are making a specific particular bad play and explain it to them why it is such a bad play. It gets them knocked out of tournaments continually and others having told them that it is absolutely bad.. Yet against there own best interests they still doing it constantly and getting booted and frustrated again and again.

And then there are friends that you can talk on any subject at all, except for the one that is so important and they don't want to hear anything about it.

You stated "It is also fair to mention that you should not completely expose yourself to harmful mindsets, because in time, your subconsciousness will be inevitably influenced by their train of thought."
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Sure it's easy to isolate yourself if you have money and do not need to scrape to survive. But even then we have people who come into our lives that we must deal with because we are considerate human beings.

Yet we must deal with them on a constant basis. muellerft.jpg

We would never isolate ourselves with parents, children, and those that have to be in constant contact because of circumstance of environment such as co-workers, customers, employees, business owners leaders, lovers and of course our friends.

Whether the people you deal with are bad mindsets or not, ones moral compass, sense of right and wrong and fortitude when facing them is more of an overlying factor when dealing with them. Versus trying to convince someone on a bone of contention... In fact the process of talking to to someone who is staunchly in an opposing view point and not open is more detrimental to your sanity if you continue the conversation.dizzy.jpg

Psychologists have proven through many studies, that the closer you are to an opposite viewpoint that is in juxtaposition of your own personal belief, once you have made the decision against it, the closer you are to the other side, the more you will resist it and fight against. angry.jpg

Why is this the case you might ask? Because it simply goes to the core of validation of your beliefs and thus sense of self. That's pretty twisted, but it explains a lot in human interaction in the world.idea.jpg

The reality is true friendship is not about your or their mindsets.
And rightfully so should not be. It is about receiving what you need from the other person. It's like what they say in the song lyric "You can't always get what you want, but if try real real hard sometimes get what you need."enjoyingmusic.jpg

Because personal circumstances do not permit this in any society:
"But I believe that if you are a person with a higher vision, then you need to hold yourself responsible to those you come in contact with."

"Again, this is not about preaching your ‘truths’ to other people, but more about giving them unbiased information and perspective about the world." - One personed unsolicited unwanted opinion by a majority is exactly the definition of Preaching your truths. sorry.jpeg
Which I may point out for all your thought to be good intentions are not necessarily valid either.

presentingleft.jpgYou must not have heard the saying from relationships with woman "Even if you win the argument you lose". The truth is some times it's just better to not bring it up at all!

"If you take a closer look, you will realize that this is exactly what we have been doing in this blog." - could see your mindset from day one, and many peoples view is they do not mind a bland palp of living and let live and let live, so they follow along.

But you my friend have the hubris of thinking that just people are following you and a few make comments that they believe your belief system. When in fact they have a completely different yet complimentary view point...coolglasses.jpg

emoticons15.jpgSuch as I, but keep it up, you are allowed your belief system as I am mine and I am not going to try and cajol you any more than this reply.

Just pointing out that what you just wrote was for those that are self aware and truly enlightened it was very much off the mark with reality and how things work... But that's just my personally valid belief system talking, not yours...

Peace out bro....your number1.jpg

By the way my belief system includes the Socratic process mixed in with a type "A" personality.

Win some money, Participate in:

Time for the Contest:

The rules are simple:
Put in as many entries as you like,
Place your entries in separate replies down below...
here the question, I talked about environment, heredity, brain power and circumstances as affecting ones personal outlook and how it affects interations. No matter who we are and were we come from we are affected by somehing that has made us who we are. I don't mean how much money or things we have. But how we interact with others and why.

Tell me some thing that happaned in your past and how it affected your life.

For instance I had a crush on a girl when I was about 8 years old and I told my younger brother as a secret. I get home that night and he and my parents are laughing at me about my first crush. So from that day forward anytime I saw a girl I never brought them home most of my long term girlfriends did not meet my parents till a couple of months had gone by, and my mother never new when I was dating. In fact I kept it so secret at one point in my early 20s she actually asked if I was gay. Which I was most certainly not.

Over the course of the week members of the Steeminati will be upvoting commenters and contestants!

I will have another member of the Steeminati review the answers with me and we will announce the winner after the 7 day reward period
There will be another contest midweek and next weekend as well so stay tuned the topics change.
and there will be a new art contest giveaway then.

Make sure your answer is on topic... Speak from personal experience and how it affected your personality and you can't go wrong.....

If there are valiant efforts I will definitely reward them!





Need a banner or sign or some other creative... I'm cheap, the more I like your idea the less I charge ...EVEN FREE FOR WORTHY ENDEAVORS. Of cours the one caveat I get to run with your idea, andabsolutely no micro managing....
Prices usually between 10 and 50.


My first wife was a beautiful young woman refugee from Russia. Originally my younger Brother dated her before he came out. For years it was a source of friction between my brother and I, he acted like I stole her. But in reality he wasn't interested. I thought that this was the basis for our strife. We went into business together and that was a war.

Now many years later I realize after running many businesses, that I have had an iron-fist on the way I do things and it has led to me not getting out of my own way.

I was brought up as the eldest in a large family, I was always told be my parents I had to be responsible for all my siblings. Of course that meant that my brother felt stifled by his middle position in a family of 5 siblings! And that is the key to our discord.

Even knowing this to this day, we still fall into the same stances whenever there is a family situation.

This post has received a 37.85 % upvote from @boomerang.

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