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RE: Debunking the Fallacious Argument of Impure Virtue...

in #mindset5 years ago

Have you ever taken a group photo? It could be with your classmate, friends, family, workmates, church members or any social gathering it doesn't matter. One thing I'm sure off is this, when you got a chance to see that photo, you wanted to see yourself first, then the person you like most or you hate most.
Here is another scenario, if you were a group walk at night in the woods to somewhere the you hear one of your friends shout snake! Snake!, and you are the only one with a torch, tell where will you flash first, around your legs or the other person's legs? You know the answer.

All human have a "ME" first tendency in us it inborn we don't learn. It is a natural craving and it is not the only craving we have, we have many. But also we have been created with the ability of self consciousness and self control. That means these craving or feelings they only become bad if we let them run our lives. So we should always learn to control our natural tendencies that some time make us think it is all about me, we should know that we is important too. And the only reason you say me it is because there's we. We has a great influence on our destiny has humans, let us do good for the we good. Lets learn to serve others, if you cannot serve other humans without a string attached you are not fit to live.

I will close my comment with this quote,
Someone said "the greatest treason is doing a good thing for the wrong reasons"


You're right, the ME mentality is killing the human race, (not literally) but it's facilitating its decay. To change the hardened mentality from ME to a WE, that's the challenge and as you said, there is self-consciousness and self-control.
The real question is are we tapping into those qualities regardless of what of our posts on social media?

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