[Bilingual] "Least said, soonest mended" (Sedikit bicara, cepat selesai);

in #mindset6 years ago


English Version

Last Sunday, the weather outside my house was very hot and my situation not too healthy to look for new object for my photography. Although my friends have encouraged me not to miss giving new posts. As well as good information about steem showed a rather good performance this week than before. Apart from that, this time I want to talk about how I defeat my laziness and my ego and always stay giving the interesting content here.

My principle, because now we are in a special media, so whatever we offer must be a good thing and not careless. I know this principle will be refuted by the interests of using bots, curating because it feels bad, or other non-objective factors that make the quality of content cannot be measured objectively. I try to commit to this, even though my writing is not good and I'm still an amateur in photography. At least I tried to always improve my ability by reading a lot of references and looking at more angles in taking pictures so the people know my shortcomings, my excesses and can judge my quality.


The hot weather outside my house, the challenge to my consistency and the rise of my laziness made a little anxiety for my thoughts. What thing and about what I have to discuss this time, what object can I give and what life lessons can I tell. I am still busy with the sentence in my mind, if I have to go out when it's hot like this, it's impossible. This weather can make me sick, especially I will be accompanied by a child later, and I don't want us both to be sick because of the hot weather. That's the reason came up and tried to justify my actions to stay in the house.

But the more my laziness arises, the stronger my heart's determination to come out because I want to provide useful posts every day consistently, and I have to do it. I think this weather and too much thinking are things that can prevent me from being creative and eventually making laziness stronger. Luckily, I managed to defeat that laziness. This is where my consistency is tested, do I still give my creativity or do I have to follow my laziness?


Is it enough because of the strength of my determination only? No, because I'm grateful to see a plant in front of my house that invites my interest. I found some plant leaves damaged, I thought there must be pests or insects that damaged it. This curious made me inevitably have to go out of the house and see what happen. Apparently my guess was right, because I found a caterpillar that ate the leaves. And this is the inspiration and makes me go back into the house to take my camera and immortalize how this animal works.

I found the two caterpillars were the cause of the damage to the leaves of my plants, but here I also found interesting things to be able to make my post material. Are there life lessons that I got today? So many lessons I got. Among them are life lessons about getting inspiration can't be waited on but sometimes it must be sought, animals that I found also hinted at work that we didn't like turned out to be favored by other creatures and my negligence in keeping this plant causing my plants to be damaged by these animals, we didn't blame it for being his destiny like that, just anticipating before the pest comes, if it comes then it is no longer anticipated, but this is an eradication action.


If only I didn't look closely at the damage, maybe I still let the plant remain damaged now. If I still hold on to my laziness, maybe this photo can't be offered tonight, and if it turns out I'm not consistent it might be just the picture I gave without writing tonight. Everything starts from a lot of work, a little talk, then pick the results. This is my story today, how about you?

Please wait for my writing about life, motivation and philosophy next, I interspersed with few original my own photos. Hopefully this article adds to the treasure of science and the development of mindsets in social media and in real life. All the support, criticism and input will be very valuable to me and I hope you appreciate this original work. I was very impressed and happy to read some important things about life post, I hope we learn much about life and start from simple things. Hopefully this article is useful.

Thank you

My best regard.



Bahasa Indonesia

Hari minggu kemarin, cuaca di luar rumah sangat terik dan keadaanku juga tidak terlalu sehat untuk mencari objek photography. Meski kawan-kawan sudah memberikan semangat kepadaku untuk tidak absen memberikan postingan baru seiring informasi baik mengenai steem yang menunjukan performa yang agak baik minggu ini dibandingkan sebelumnya. Terlepas dari hal itu, kali ini aku hendak berbicara tentang cara mengalahkan malas dan egoku untuk tetap selalu memberikan yang terbaik disini.

Prinsipku, karena sekarang ini kita berada di dalam sebuah media yang istimewa, untuk itu apapun yang kita persembahkan harus merupakan hal bagus dan tidak terkesan asal-asalan. Saya tahu prinsip ini akan terbantahkan dengan kepentingan penggunaan bot, kurasi karena merasa tidak enak, atau faktor-faktor non objektif lainnya yang membuat kualitas konten tidak dapat diukur secara objektif. Aku mencoba untuk komitmen untuk hal ini, meski tulisanku tidak bagus dan aku masih amatir di photography. Setidaknya aku berusaha untuk selalu meningkatkan kemampuanku dengan membaca banyak referensi tulisan dan mencermati beberapa angle dalam pengambilan gambar sehingga orang mengetahui kekuranganku, kelebihanku dan dapat menilai kualitasku.


Cuaca panas di luar rumahku, tantangan terhadap konsistensiku dan bangkitnya malasku membuat sedikit kegamangan untuk pemikiranku. Apa dan tentang hal apa yang harus aku bahas kali ini, objek apa yang aku bisa berikan dan pelajaran hidup apa yang dapat dan mampu aku ceritakan. Aku masih sibuk dengan kalimat dalam pikiranku, apakah aku harus keluar saat panas begini tapi itu tidak mungkin, karena cuaca ini bisa membuat sakit, apalagi aku nanti pasti ditemani anak, dan aku tidak mau kami berdua sakit karena menantang cuaca panas. Bagitu alasan yang muncul dan mencoba membenarkan tindakanku untuk tetap berada dalam rumah.

Tapi semakin rasa malasku itu muncul, semakin kuat pula tekad hatiku untuk keluar karena aku ingin tetap konsisten memberikan postingan bermanfaat setiap hari, dan ini harus kulakukan. Menurutku cuaca dan terlalu banyak mikir ini adalah hal-hal yang bisa menghalangiku berkreativitas dan akhirnya membuat rasa malas itu makin kuat. Untungnya, aku berhasil mengalahkan rasa malas itu. Disinilah letak konsistensi diuji, apakah aku tetap memberikan kreatifitasku atau aku harus mengikuti rasa malasku ?


Apakah cukup karena kekuatan tekad semata ? Tidak, karena aku bersyukur melihat tanaman di depan rumahku yang mengundang penasaranku. Aku menemukan beberapa daun-daun tanaman di depan rumahku rusak, aku menyangka pasti ada hama ataupun serangga yang merusaknya. Penasaran ini membuatku mau tak mau harus keluar rumah dan melihat. Ternyata dugaanku benar, karena aku menemukan ulat bulu yang memakan daun-daun itu. Dan ini adalah inspirasi dan membuatku kembali ke dalam rumah dan mengabadikan bagaimana binatang ini beraktifitas.

Aku menemukan dua ulat bulu menjadi penyebab rusaknya daun-daun tanamanku, tapi disini pula aku menemukan hal menarik untuk dapat aku jadikan materi postinganku. Apakah ada pelajaran hidup yang aku dapat hari ini ? banyak sekali. Diantaranya adalah pelajaran hidup tentang mendapatkan inspirasi tidak bisa ditunggu tapi terkadang harus dicari, binatang yang aku temukan juga mengisyaratkan tentang pekerjaan yang tidak kita senangi ternyata disenangi oleh mahkluk lain dan kelalaianku dalam menjaga tanaman ini menyebabkan tanamanku dirusak oleh binatang ini, kita tidak menyalahkannya karena telah menjadi takdirnya seperti itu, antisipasi itu sebelum datang hama, jika sudah datang maka bukan antisipasi lagi, tapi tindakan pemberantasan.


Andai saja aku tidak melihat dengan dekat kerusakan tersebut, mungkin saja saat ini aku masih membiarkan tanaman itu tetap rusak. Jika aku tetap masih berpegang dengan rasa malasku, mungkin saja foto ini tidak dapat aku persembahkan malam ini, dan jika ternyata aku tidak konsisten mungkin saja malam ini hanya gambar yang kuberikan tanpa tulisan. Semua berpangkal pada banyak bekerja, sedikit bicara, lalu petiklah hasilnya. Ini ceritaku hari ini, bagaimana denganmu ?

How do you think about my writing and photography ? Please leave your comment here, so I know your opinion, and we can discuss it, and we make quality in our engagement. I am open person for every input and criticism. God bless you all.


Terimakasih dan salam hangat


All Pictures taken original by me, using Canon EOS 800D, Date : January 22, 2019, Location : Aceh, Indonesia.

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nice photos :)

Thanks my brother for always support me here. :)

Good to meet you here too, @khaimi... :)
Yes, we struggle everyday, every moment to remain motivated, but it is always a good thing to keep going... Keep it up, my friend!
Cheers, and have a good day!

Thanks my friend @ackhoo. this is a spirit for me to best thing again, and give some new here in this platform. Tahniah for you :D

Everyday, life will give you lesson. First of all , congrats that you are able to left laziness and put up this amazing post and experience. You are improving day by day because you are maintaining consistency of posting content.. I already have told you your photographs are amazing and really good .. Everyday is motivating for you and you figure that out... Thank you for sharing your day with us...

Thanks my friend @priyanarc for visiting my blog and give a kind words. especially for your support. God bless you

very good to keep busy and conquer laziness. so many things to explore in this world. glad you got out and saw all those things

yups laziness make our creativity not increase. Thank you sir.

Fabulous shots Love them all, and when Laziness or lack of motivation hits its so hard to break out of it sometimes

(indonesia) Terimakasih kawanku @tattoodjay. its means Thanks my friend (english)

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Beautiful piece of work,you did excellent click with your camera.

your photography too my friend. wonderful. hope you like my photography and if there any correction, please share it for me.

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Follow @esteemapp as well!

You are welcome @esteemapp. I will keep on my eyes for the updates.

Anybody can develop myself to maintain strength of determination . Nice post material thing caterpillar.

by defeat our laziness, we make out our creativities. thanks my friend.

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