3 Powerful Mindsets You Need to Overcome Opposition and Succeed In Life

in #mindset5 years ago

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It has the power to separate success from failure.

Mindset determines behavior which in turn determines results. Mindset is a powerful thing indeed and it can have a negative or positive impact on your life. It is up to you. Actions are the result of what the mind thinks and decides.

The greatest athletes have all had extraordinarily strong mindsets. A strong mindset has a sense of determination that is unstoppable.

It is supremely important that we master our mindset and maintain it’s health on a daily basis.

What is a mindset? Well, it is what it says it is: the way you set your mind.

A strong mindset gives you the ability to withstand and overcome opposition and difficulty. The fact is you will have hard times. You will haves struggles. Nothing comes easy, nothing is cheap, and nothing is free. The question is not if you will face adversity, but rather if you will have the proper mindset to face and conquer it.

We have the ability to train our minds and become masters of how we think. Once we master how we think, we master how we behave, and thus the results we get in life.

Here are three Powerful Mindsets you need to overcome opposition and to succeed in life.
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Think Big

Think Big and you will act big. Think small and you will act small. Expect big and you will get big. Expect small and you will get small.

When you think big you leverage yourself to be an achiever who can face adversity and know that it is small in light of the big picture. Big thinking puts opposition into the proper focus by not making it the focus. When you think big you look at problems as just part of the journey.

Thinking big means you think beyond what seems possible. You do not think in terms of limitation. You look at problems as opportunities.

A big thinker will inevitably be a high achiever because they will always be thinking in terms bigger than the present. Thus, when opposition arises, they will see opportunity because their big thinking mindset will cause them to think bigger than the problem.

A big thinker will be an overcomer because they look past the present, past the obstacle and towards achieving the impossible. When faced with a tough situation they ask, ‘how can I overcome this?’, not merely ‘how can I avoid this?’. Big thinking forces you to be creative because you are constantly pushing the boundaries of what seems possible.

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Think Positive

Negativity kills dreams and discourages action.

Positivity on the other hand inspires dreams and encourages action. All high achievers are ultimately positive thinkers. When they approach life they come with a positive mindset and outlook that sees the good and the possibilities before them. They can find a reason to be positive in every situation.

This is especially important as you face opposition. If when you face opposition you capitulate and become negative, doubtful and insecure you kill your chances of success. The world is full of people who never went for it because they were so negative that it kept them from even trying.

When you have a positive mindset, you have energy and enthusiasm. You feel unstoppable. Next time you feel negative, notice the affect that it has on your mind and body. It is very unhealthy. Notice how discouraged, depressive, doubtful and outright down you feel.

Now, next time you are positive in a situation, notice how much more light you feel, happy, encouraged and excited. There is a real affect that our mindset has on our mind, soul and body.

Even when the situation seems to undercut any reason to be positive, it is still your choice. Your circumstances do not define nor determine your mindset.

In difficult times a positive mindset will lift your spirits and give you the strength and energy you need to keep going.
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Think strategic

A strategic thinker looks at problems and does not run from them, but rather asks, ‘how can I fix this?’. The strategic mind will not say, ‘I will never land that job or contract’, rather it says, ‘how can I land that contract?’, or, ‘what do I have to do to get that job?’.

The strategic minds looks for the opportunities that are not yet seen and is open to discovering them. This is especially vital if you face obstacles in reaching your goals. And…. You will face obstacles.. I repeat, you will face obstacles…

If you think with strategy, you think as overcomer. Notice, you are also thinking big, and positive.

Thinking strategically makes you a problem solver. The answer is always there, and it is the strategic mindset that pays attention and discovers the way to overcome obstacles.

These mindsets, are not accidents. You SET YOUR MIND. It requires intention and attention. You cannot just go with the flow. You cannot drift along and expect these mindsets to come to you.

You must decide to embrace them. If you do, you will be unstoppable. You will be able to overcome opposition and succeed in life.

Now go and adopt these mindsets and crush it!

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