World is not fair? Or blame ourselves?

in #mindset5 years ago

There is such a special kind of people who divides society into two large groups. They have no middle ground.
For these people, some are full of love, while others are made up of hate. People from the first group, respectively, build up, and the second destroy. The first are always good-good people, and the second are bad by default.

What do these people not have? That's right, the third group.

These are the people who, to the best of their modest possibilities, are guided by common sense. These are the people whose words, decisions, motives and actions are dictated not by emotions, but by reason.

Yes, we are all emotional creatures. We often get offended and offend people ourselves. We say all sorts of hurtful things and create all kinds of nonsense that hurts. And then we apologize for a long time and feel guilty.

It's a vicious circle. But some manage to leave it. It's simple: first think about the consequences, and then do or say your thought.

Those people who came to this, learned to do so, their actions are not dictated by either love or hate. They have no purpose to systematically destroy or build. Just what they do - coincides with the moment, relevant for the situation. Their resistance is equal to the strength of the impact, the strength of their reaction is equivalent to the strength of the stimulus.

Because sometimes we all need to go on the path of creation and restraint, and not want to break the face of his companion.
You can grieve over the imperfection of the world until death, or you can start working with your brains and reconsider your views on the world, on your life. You can always exclude or limit all that makes you suffer or do stupid things.
Do not repeat some words, like a parrot, another 10 years that makes you feel right and be safe. After all, you only have to slightly move your way of thinking a little and it turns out that there are no bad and good people in this world. There is no wild injustice and secret intent to make your life a hell. The whole matter will again be in you, and not in a terrible unjust world order.

Just look at this life differently.

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