Why do you think so many business owners feel unhappy and unfulfilled? Personal Development Tip from Motivators Social Network (2019)

in #mindset5 years ago

They lack meaning and purpose in their life. Money and a great business usually doesn't fulfill that because meaning and purpose come from doing something bigger than yourself in service of others, but in a way that resonates deep within their heart. I do life purpose research and how it's connected to success at a PhD level and what I've been finding is absolutely incredible.

Basically they are not doing what they love. Their job sucks, their dreams are infeasible or they fear their boss, anyhow you only live once, yolo to take it all at once and from average to become a high lifestyle class. From average to millionaire, happy Tuesday millionaires!

There is a difference between success and significance. “ never get so busy making a living, you forget to make a life.”

As they get more successful, the busier they would get, which is they spent too much time on their business and forget that they have a life of their own.

Balance is the key. If you need a manager hire him/her, life is better when you live it.

Remember? Remember from the last article? We all have the same 24 hours, don't forget it. Noone is rich from 4 years old.

Regards Bluetechno

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