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RE: Mystical Morning Thoughts about Data | Fighting back internet overwhelm and data overload...

So true. In marketing, there is the concept of "content analysis", which is where you SCAN all of the information being presented in all forms of media in order to find PATTERNS in the information from across the spectrum. Over the years I have maintained my ( little remaining) sanity by shifting from being a more ACTIVE consumer of mass media, to more of a "content analyst". In fact, I barely watch full YouTube videos anymore, and instead usually do a brief scan off all the videos available each day (and usually watch one or two from reputable sources). This gives me a MANAGABLE shot of current events to stay informed WITHOUT turning my mind-body-soul to MUSH. Good post. You would likely enjoy some/any of the posts in my evolving "Steemit Success" series. Here the most recent one : I just found your profile and followed you. Keep up the good work ...


Thanks so much @transcript-junky!

Information Is Only As Good As Our Ability To Process It

HUGE point right there! Great read, especially the bit about mood balancing, sometimes I'll get this crazy irrational anxiety late at night, and It took me awhile but I realized it's just exhaustion manifesting, since my brain cant process eventualities, it just turns to fear.

Thanks again for stopping by and awesome post!- Following back!

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