in #mindfulness7 years ago


Sitting meditation practice

Before you start, pick a particular area of sensory experience to take as a support for
meditation during the session.
o Begin by resting in open awareness:
o Relax your mind and remain present.
o Don't try to focus on anything in particular or control your mind, yet
do not get lost in thoughts either.
o Leave all of the sense doors open, without trying to block any aspect
of experience.
o After a few minutes, bring your awareness to the physical sensations in your
o Rest your attention on an object in your visual field, or on whatever
sense you have chosen to use a support for your meditation.
o You do not need to change or alter your experience in any way, nor do
you need to focus intensely or concentrate the mind.
o Simply know that you are [feeling / seeing / hearing].
o End your session by letting go and resting once again in open aware

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