How to Achieve Peace on Earth (Fairy Tale)

in #mindfulness8 years ago (edited)

How to Achieve Peace on Earth (Fairy Tale)

I love this thought provoking story on how peace on earth is achieved....

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There was once a powerful wizard who could do almost anything.

One day a bunch of people who craved peace (the peaceful posse) on earth asked the wizard to stop all wars and bloodshed.

"Yes", said the Wizard, "I can do this by getting rd of all the weapons on the planet, then no-one could fight anymore"

"Oh, that would be amazing" the peaceful posse all exclaimed.

The wizard waved his magic wand and all the weapons disappeared.

Peace lasted for three days and three nights.

Those three days and three nights, the war warriors who still wanted to fight hunted high and low for weapons and and they found none and realized there were definitely no more weapons.

On the forth day, the War Warriors started chopping down young trees and sharpening the trunks to make spears, so that they could fight again and fight they did.

When the powerful wizard saw this, he told the peaceful posse "I will get rid of all the young trees so that that War Warriors cannot make any more spears."

The Peace Posse cheered.

After two days and two nights of fruitlessly searching for young trees to make into spears, the War Warriors started to cut up big trees and make batons from them and the bloodshed began again.

So the wizard got rid of all the big trees.

Then the War Warriors started making sling shots and throwing stones at each other. And some of the warriors even made rudimentary knifes from the stones. They just had a thirst for bloodshed that it seemed couldn't be quenched.

So the wizard destroyed all the stones.

The Peaceful Posse started to ask fundamental questions like, if there are no trees, stones and soon no vegetation, how are we supposed to live? People will die without fighting. This cannot be the solution to the problem.

The Wizard did not know what else he could do. He was trying to save humanity, but he had ended up almost destroying it.

The Peaceful Posse didn't know what to do either and lamented the end of the world.

But then a clever kid stood up and said:

"I know what to do...

If one person hurts another, let him feel the same pain and if he brings joy to another person, let him feel that joy. That way no-one will hurt each other, as they will feel the same pain straightaway and stop."

The wizard and the Peaceful Posse smiled as they knew that this was the answer, so the wizard returned all the trees and the stones.

And from that day forth, nobody on earth tried to hurt anyone else, because they would have to feel the same pain too.

Even better people started to help each other, because they thrived on the joy it brought to everyone.

The world lived in harmony.

Can we achieve peace by becoming more mindful of each other's needs? What do you think?

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