It is time for a change...

in #mindfulness8 years ago (edited)

One of my favorite words is change. What kind of emotion does it induce in you?

I don't know where does the blessing come from, but on the sheer thought of change I feel excitement.
I know many feel fear.

Change is my second name. And it is not because I am impermanent or indecisive, but because I have zero tolerance for dissatisfaction.

If something does not work, it implies only one thing - it is time for a change.

I don't know if there is anyone among you that did not read or hear this genius thought, but if there is, it is worth repeating: "Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different result each time, is the definition of stupidity."

Read this out loud. Here a trap is hidden. Everyone expects for change to come from the outside, from someone else. However, the change is the state of your consciousness. The essence of change is decisions.

I will borrow the wisdom I read recently and which seemed to me like the wisest insight in changes I have ever heard.

True changes never come by themselves. They are forms of inner enrichment, development and conquest. They emerge from the persistent application of good will through tireless work on adoption of new qualities and dealing with challenges and temptations in that endeavor over a longer period of time. And then they suddenly flash, like they appeared out of nowhere, right in that moment.

And don't forget, everyone who today does what he loves, has a dream partner, work that is passion or everyone who is happy today, once has made a brave decision.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the action in spite of it.

Sometimes we forget who is by our side, don't we?
Your soul will never stop calling you.

Answer at last...

"Change is the essence of exciting life."

Thank you for reading.


The way I heard your first quote was:

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.

I like change myself, and I especially can't imagine living in the same place my whole life.

Seems about right. That is the first sentence that pops out when I google it.
I guess I heard mutated version of the original thought.
Me too, I thinking of moving sometime soon.
Thanks for the reply!

I've been the queen of moving the last six years--four foreign countries and multiple cities, plus back to the U.S. twice.

Awesome! You really found the right words! I totally agree with you!

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