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RE: 4 Warning Signs You May Be Living Your Life on Autopilot - A Mindful Living Alert...

in #mindfulmonday5 years ago

Lol. Ive had a LOT of mindless moments I can tell you. That feeling you get when you walk into a room and you are like: what am I here for?

But Im more conscious these days, or at least I NOTICE whrn Im being mindless...

Posted using Partiko Android


I hear ya on that one - having lots of mindless moments!
Glad to hear you are being more concious or at least noticing when you are being mindless - that's kind of where I'm at too!
It's funny when I catch myself and I think "why the heck was I tripping down that train of thought or mindless wandering" and I pull myself back into the moment - we miss so much not living our lives in the present moment!

We do don't we? That's why this practice is always worth it. You live more of life that way period anyway what am I doing here when I am meant to be meditating haha

Posted using Partiko Android

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