Mindful Monday - On Being Mindful and Setting Up a Meditation Practice...

in #mindfulmonday5 years ago (edited)

It's #MindfulMonday once more and here's my musing for today on being mindful...

be in present moment open hands and butterfly.jpg
Just think if you could maintain a moment-by-moment awareness of your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment - how much that would bring you into the present moment!

This takes practice and nourishing of your awareness which allows it to grow over time.

I've set up a meditation practice which I like to start my day with to get me focused, calm and peaceful. This I can bring into my day, tuning me more into what's actually going on and being able to respond more instead of react or being able to remain focused and not be distracted as much.

What is this practice I've set up?

I did a 10 day Vipassana course and use those techniques given to me.

India Today gave this clear explanation of what exactly Vipassana (Vipassana translates as insight) is -

Vipassana is a gentle-yet-thorough technique of meditation. According to dhamma.org, it is an observation-based, self-exploratory journey that focuses on deep interconnection between the mind and body, which is realized through disciplined attention to the physical sensations.

I like to use my meditation practice in the evening too, at the end of the day as a way of letting go of all the going ons of the day and coming back to the quiet peaceful place within. This again is very calming and has slowed the mind down easing me into a wonderful sleep making me more refreshed the next day.

Feel you just don't have time to meditate (I know I get that way some times)?
Just a heads up - that is probably when you need it the most!

Try it sometime - set up a regular meditation practice and do it even when you are feeling "oh, so busy", you may be surprised at the results it will bring in making you feel peaceful and calm and more focused/aware which actually will help you in accomplishing your many tasks.

Over at @naturalmedicine they have set up the 'Mindful Life' group that aims to connect and support meditators across Steem.

Goals of 'Mindful Life'
• To unite meditators across the Steem blockchain so that we can share and strengthen our own practices
• To provide a space to discuss the philosophy, science and practical application of such practices in our lives
• To inspire and motivate each other
• To provide support if we might be struggling, connecting with like minded people who might offer solutions

I cordially invite you to Mindful Life community, which is only just beginning in the @naturalmedicine server here. We run group meditations and support each other as we grow through conscious awareness! With much love!

MindfulLife.gif Discord 🧘About

Thanks for stopping by!

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@porters another reason for me to do vipassana for Ten days. Another stimulating treasury.

Have you done a 10 day Vipassana course before? It can be life changing!

@porters :) i believe you. Even @bewithbreath really talks highly about it. Being in and near a center in Dharamsala, india many times, i always considered but never did. I ended up postponing it. Lately i realized how important it is for my to take that path and do vipassana. Specially after our SGM experiences.

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Once you get into it, it's hard to.stop! Can be so addictive!

Posted using Partiko Android

Sounds wonderful @porters. I'll have to check it out.

Never heard of this meditation technique. Great to see that you get benefits from it.
And yeah! mindful life is a great community to support mental health.

Lovely way to awaken! I tone in bed everytime I wake up in the night and immediately fall back to sleep , then when I wake for morning I do at least a half an hour of ohming, toning, mantras chakra clearing and it has changed my life!! I've done yoga every day for years, meditations etc. but toning, and such while in bed, is another amazing way to make each day mindful/heartful. ;)

I had never heard of toning but it sounds like a marvelous technique that I'll have to check out.

Absolutely recommend Vipasanna - done many 10days course as well as other special courses such as Satipathanna and It is just so empowering and insightful. I feel you will be taking 10days Course soon @yangyanje😃

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