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RE: What modern ailing society needs is a soul doctor

in #mindfullife5 years ago

Dear @julianhorack

I just want to clarify this:

The pharmaceutical companies knowingly sold prescription drugs like OxyContin which they knew were highly addictive, so that they could make huge profits on your need for more when hooked, or watch you die in the process. This is being investigated and is an ongoing issue, where the numbers of deaths by prescription drugs is only skyrocketing while the profits of Big Pharma corporations grow annually too.'

In my opinion, blaming someone who manufactures these because people gets addicted to it is wrong. There are a lot of people who suffer from pain. Cancer pain, surgical pain, name it: the reason why these are manufactured because, we needed to make sure that our patients are comfortable- free from suffering and not because we wanted them to be physiologically or psychologically addicted to it.

If anyone is addicted to any substance, its his duty to himself and to others to do something about it and not pass on the blame on the people who made them. First of all, I do not think that any legitimate pharmaceutical companies do FORCE their consumers to take them. that is i why its considered as a schedule 2 drugs- meaning. its regulated. here is the link:


I respect your service as a nurse and your experience in the healing profession. However, my research tells me that you may be naive in your understanding of Big Pharma. There is a malign element behind the business of medication who knowingly produce dangerous drugs, regardless of the dangers. Then there are doctors who unconsciously push chemicals when there are better, cheaper more effective natural products, which are suppressed so that the toxic chemicals can be sold at a profit.
Cancer, as a disease for example is curable, but the natural cures are suppressed. Chemo is more toxic but it is pushed. Chemo is a con. It depends on who you hear from, who you study as to what you believe.
As for legitimate pharmaceutical companies as you say, Bayer is one of the worst killers on the planet. They are a crime in themselves, and they are the biggest mainstream pharmaceutical company in the world. You are, with all due respect very naive when it comes to mainstream pharmaceutical industries. I say this with more than one friend who has researched and actually practiced medicine for decades, and I have heard them speak with more experience on the subject. Big pharma push the doctors to sell their chemicals, so the doctors usually make it their first choice to push chemical drugs when unnecessary and sometimes untested properly. just google the opioid crisis as well as Big pharma and you will find loads of info on the crimes they commit, morally and ethically. To release a chemical that they know is highly addictive, is criminal. And then on top of that they hide the fact that it is so addictive, that is evil. I believe they are evil with malicious intent to cull the population under A GLOBAL PLAN FOR WORLD RE-ENGINEERING. We can't be naive about this, Big Pharma are criminals!

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