Doing what's Uncomfortable and bringing Awareness to Life

in #mindfullife4 years ago

We have set our lives with what is most comfortable to us. We all have capacity to scale up to any heights, but it is how far are we willing to go ahead bringing our own self into a zone of discomfort from comfort. Anything that is done as a habit becomes a pattern and brings us in a comfortable position, which may then just become a routine and monotonous. Are we willing to challenge ourselves each moment and defy these habits or do we want to continue in the rut, it all depends on us.

Challenging our self every time brings us to a heightened level of awareness and that is when we know our true capabilities.

For example one person who has never done Yoga, starts doing Yoga one fine day, for sure it’s a lot of discomfort to the body and the possibility is that the person may give up, but if the person continues and keeps challenging all the discomforts faced, then one fine day the person will become proficient in Yoga and will also reap the benefits of it.


Only when one keeps challenging life and take up things which are completely out of comfort zone then can one see the higher energies of life and grow.

All our habits come into existence because of our certain level of thought process or a belief system that we are hooked into. When we challenge both of these that is when we are able to break the barriers and truly start living a life of Awareness.

I am a person, who does not like routines at all. I look out for constant change and want to keep experimenting with my limits. This is what personally helps me to broaden my horizon. When we stretch ourselves out we will really be amazed to see our own capabilities.

Doing things which are very comfortable not only brings monotony but it also shrinks the mind capabilities. We stop thinking beyond what we are already doing. So allow yourself to explore into the unknown territories, it is ok to take risk and fail, no one is going to penalize, but the experience gained will surely bring in some lessons of life.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"


Hi Naina, agree with you on and off we get used to our routine and would like to start something new, experiment, to get an adrenaline rush. Maybe that is just natural our body and spirit needs it to keep us in form and makes us happy :)

Always grateful for your support

I am a creature of habit. No wonder, my mind is shrinking, and I am becoming more and more stupid by the day. :-)

Yeah exercise everyday...

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