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RE: NM Wisdom Challenge: Do We Live Healthy Lives to Avoid or Postpone Death?

in #mindfullife5 years ago

The questions above are very profound. I resonate with your suggestions to quit our vices. I am personally in that journey and currently trying to become a 90% vegetarian. I'd love to read the book you recommended up there. I previously read living without god and approach to death, it was rather grim. Perhaps, I'll find more cheerful outlook about it.


Thank you for your kind words 🙏🏼. I really loved listening the audio book

above by Sogyal Ringpoche. It’s an ancient jewel - don’t get tired of it how many times I listen to it. Enjoy the audio book - worth listening to it with open mind leaving all the knowledge we gather aside 🧘🏼‍♂️🧘🏼‍♀️
By the way are you into meditation and mindfulness? If you are have you already joined “mindful life” community of meditators and meditation enthusiasts?

Posted using Partiko iOS

I am into mindfulness and meditation. It's one of the topic I write from time to time. I did experiment with meditation, mindful living and minimalism. However, I have yet to join any community of meditators and meditation enthusiast. I found your post from Natural Medicine since I am into that too.

Followed you up since our interests seem to be aligned 😊
Hope you can join us, we would love to welcome you - click here for joining mindful life community-

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you! I am definitely going to check the mindful life community. Edit, I am already in Natural Medicine server. but now I found the channel.

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