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RE: Mind Control - How To Defend Against Brainwashing

in #mindcontrol7 years ago

This is a great article. People today (especially our younger generation IMO) have never learned to think critically and are so naive to what's being done to them. They've succumbed to groupthink straight out of a George Orwell novel. Upvoted, followed and resteemed!! And I'm looking forward to seeing more on this issue! :)


Thank you for your kind words.

In some sense I agree with you about the younger generation, however I'm noticing amongst friends' kids, that they actually use social media less than their parents. They have grown up totally used to it, so it's nothing special to them. Whereas to a fortysomething it's still all new and amazing :-)


You do have a point haha! As I'm having a hard time ungluing from my smartphone right now! :)

Noooo, unglue!!! :-D


I hope I never become blasé about technology. I think it's important to retain a sense of gratitude for the benefits of technology as well as a clear-eyed picture of the great harm it can do.

I think it is inevitable that we end up taken tech for granted. At one point cell phones were amazing, now they're just a tool.

When the internet first started, we crawled along on 56kps modems, now we have broadband, if a site takes more than 0.00001 seconds to load we get annoyed. Standards raise and that is a catalyst for blasé behaviour.


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